Friday, February 29, 2008
No earlier than Monday
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Chest Tubes and Staples are Out
I would also like to add some tid bits about Ava. She continues to do well. She is getting her chest closed today. Please continue to pray for her recovery so that Nate and Amy can take her home soon. Hopefully she will get extubated in a few days so they can finally hold her again. Trust me, it is so painful to sit and watch your child and not be able to pick her up and snuggle her and comfort her. So please continue to pray.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
One year ago today

One year ago today, Isabella had her very first open heart surgery. Wow, it seems like a century ago. She, praise the Lord, is not having the problems with her open heart surgery recovery this time like she did last time. So anyways, the plan is for her to get her staples and her drain tubes out tomorrow. The Dr. on this week, said he had originally planned on her going home this week, but he does not like sending them out on Fridays. This is especially true for us since we live three hours away. He said it is still possible, but he would probably keep her until Monday. However, he said if the PICU gets busy then he wouldn't have a problem with sending her home on Friday. I think he just wants to be safe. That is fine with me. I just want to go home and then when I get there, I don't want to have to come back!!
She is getting better everyday. She is 2 numbers away from her home pressure support number on her vent. By tomorrow evening, she should be back on her home settings. She is still on just a tad of oxygen but is getting weened down. She has been smiling and has even gave a few kisses today.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Bella.....AKA One Awesome Baby
So Matt and I are just spending about 95% of our time in Bella's room. I am missing Abby and Maddy so bad that I think I might go crazy. I cried last night for the first time in a few days from just missing them so much. Abby lost her first tooth, and she wants to give me her tooth fairy money to help out daddy and I since we are in KC!! HOW SWEET. I told her we are fine and she can spend her money how ever she wants. She said she really wants me to have it. Now how can that not just break my heart. We then ate dinner with some really great people last night. They were from a local church and had brought in a meal for the people at Ronald McDonald. So of course I told them all about our story and Bella. They then prayed with us and we shared our stories of faith and hope. It was amazing for both Matt and I.
For those of you from Oswego, you already know about Katherine. So for those of you who do not know. There is a little girl named Katherine from our home town, she is 5. She was shot in the head Saturday afternoon by a stray bullet while visiting their soon to be home here in the KC area over the weekend. They don't know who shot her. I can't even imagine the devastation this family is going through. My little Abby is that age!!! My heart is breaking for this family. She is in critical condition, she I hear is moving some on one side and that is about all I know. I guess the bullet is lodged and is unable to be removed. So please pray for Katherine.
Monday, February 25, 2008
A Special Friend

Isabella continues to recover at a remarkable rate. She amazes me with each passing day. Miracle after Miracle she continues to exceed all expectation. We do not have a go home date yet. Dr. Lofland did come in today and said she is back at her base line. He said we just need to get the chest tubes out and get her dressing off. She has a chest x-ray everyday, and today her x-ray looked much better. They took her off the positive pressure treatments. She is still on IV lasix, but I think they are about done with that. She has only had pain meds a couple of times today. So her pain level is much better. She is just playing with her kick-n-play and having fun looking at her balloons. Oh and of course enjoying being held by mommy!! She is doing great on her home vent. They have not lowered her settings yet, but they also said they may send her home on higher settings and let her home vent Dr. lower them back down. So I have no idea if we may go home later this week or if we will go home the first of next week. I am sure all of you know what I would like the answer to be, but I don't want to go home until Isabella is ready.
Please continue to pray for Ava. She has not gotten her chest closed yet but she is still fighting and showing strength beyond belief. She was awake today when we stopped by. Amy and Nate are amazing people and their little boy Kaden as been a true inspiration for us. So if you have not yet, please stop by their blog.
Speaking of amazing people, I want to tell you all about our friends Micah and Jason Acker. I am sure most of you as seen their blog or follow their blog. They are going through rough times again. First Gabi and now Jason and his job. However, no matter what life keeps throwing at them, they continue to reach out and give selflessly to others in need. I don't even know if they realize how much they minister to other families. They amaze me beyond words. I thank God everyday for bringing people like Micah and Jason into our lives. They have foundation in honor of Gabi's memory called Gift's of Gabi's Grace. It is a wonderful organization that help families with long term hospital stays. They are working on building this into something huge. I think God has great plans for their foundation and for their lives. So if you could spare a few dollars, please click on the side bar link for Gift's of Gabi's Grace. They have a page for donations. They accept paypal and credit card also!!! For every $10.00 they send Gift's of Gabi's Grace silicone bracelets.
So again thank you for all of your prayers. We appreciate all of the support from everyone.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Moving Right Along
I plan to have lots and lots of cuddle time with Bella today. I can't wait until she is all healed up so I can hold her close. Right now I am scared to even hardly touch her because I know it has to hurt.
RT is doing the positive pressure treatment right now, and they are getting tons of stuff up out of her lungs. She is tolerating her feeds really well. She is peeing good on her own. So like I said, we are moving right along. I don't know when she will come home, but it will be soon. Probably around one week.
Thanks again for all of your prayers.
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Isabella continues to do really well. She has moments of pain that send her into fits. Otherwise, she is doing great. She is off all IV drips. She is almost ready to switch from the hospital vent back to her vent. She is back to getting feedings. She is crying now so I must go tend to her. Enjoy the pics. I will post more later. The prayers are working, she is recovering very quickly!!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Day One Post Op
Another Miracle, is little Ava down the hall. She is fighting with all her might and doing really well. She keeps getting better everyday. So thank you for all of your prayers. They are working for both Ava and Bella. I will post some pictures later this afternoon.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
That's My Girl
Love to All
She is off Bypass
New Update
I have been posting frequently, so don't forget to scroll down in case you missed some!!!
Wow, another post already!!
Going on Bypass

Asleep with no problems
Bella is in surgery
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Pretty in Pink Butterflies and Rainbows

Bella got a new butterfly shirt yesterday and then today childlife brought her this new butterfly rainbow blanket that matched just perfect. She just looks so cute today with all of her pink. So of course I had to take a bunch of pics. I couldn't pick just one so here are my favorite three. ENJOY!!

First off, Ava came off ECMO this morning and she is doing really well. They would like to see her o2 sats a little higher. They have moved her from the NICU to the PICU. Please continue to pray for her recovery.
As for little miss Bella, she is still doing great. No more fever and nothing is growing out in her adneovirus culture. Dr. Lofland stopped by and said we are on for tomorrow morning as of now. She will have surgery like around 8:15. I will have a more definate time for you later.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
We are in isolation
Monday, February 18, 2008
Surgery has been put off for a few days
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Getting nervous
Still on for tomorrow morning
Love to All
Saturday, February 16, 2008
We have a fever
Also, the surgeon came by this morning to go over things with us. He said that he is going to put her on bypass before he opens her chest. This will be the safest way just in case the aneurysm bursts. I am getting nervous about surgery, but I am not scared. I feel God's presense right here in this PICU room and I know that no matter what, he has a plan and Isabella will be okay. Ultimately, he actually loves her more than I could even think about. Which as humans, we can't even begin to understand that kind of love. So I know that God has a plan for Isabella. I just hope and pray his plan is what I would like to see happen.
In Matthew Chapter 10 29-31 it talks about how not even one sparrow will fall without his fathers consent or notice. It is says and we are more important than the sparrows, so think about that love for us. Also it states that every number on our head is numbered. So God is in control and it is his will that will be done. That is something that has been hard for me to accept. Mostly because I know that I am not in control. I am at peace with that now. Who better to be in control than our father. Because no matter where he takes us, he will always be beside us. So enough for today. I am not going to worry about tomorrow or the next day or the next. I know Isabella will eventually have her surgery and it will all be okay. Thank you to the overwhelming amount of people who are keeping us in their prayers.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Finally some pics!!!!!!

It has been confirmed, we are having surgery on Monday at 7:30 a.m. Please remember Isabella in your prayers that day. I will keep everyone up to date with any new changes
Surgery Monday
Abby and Madison are coming up on Sunday. I can't wait. I miss them soooooo much. It hurts so bad to be away from them.
Again thank you for your continued prayers.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
By the way, we did get her baptized this a.m. However, I still can't get the pictures off my camera. I don't know if I am going to be able to either. If not, I will just have to post them when we get home. But she looked so cute. She had on a crocheted christening gown and Tracy the chaplain brought her a bear that says prayers. She held onto this little blue rosery the entire time. It was so cute.
I will update soon!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Mixed Emotions
I am starting to notice some problems with her and this aneurysm. She is coughing like crazy and she just coughs and coughs until she pukes and poops. She has been doing this but it is worse now. She started to spike a temp but it went back down. They don't want her to get sick at this point because she needs open heart. They don't want to start antibiotics for a just in case because then that would delay them doing a heart cath. I tell you I was optamistic but then I realized that things never go as planned. I am just sooooo scared right now. I am scared that if she is sick that will put off surgery. I up until this point kind of forgot just how fragile she is. Yes, it is always there and I do know that she is at risk for just about anything, but she has been just so strong for so long. Well now today with her starting to show some signs of something wrong, it just brings me back to reality. Isabella is sick. Her heart has problems. I know that cardiology seems very optamistic about the surgery, which is good, but I am scared. I am scared for them to cut her open again. I am scared of a super long recovery again. I just don't want a repeat of last year. We were just really getting used being home and the girls were in a routine, Madison has not been having any nightmares for a few months. But now here we are. It is just hard not to think-IS THIS A REPEAT OF LAST YEAR!!!! Because I don't think I can handle it. I am praying so hard that she recovers quickly and that she goes home and stays home for a very very long time. So there it is all of my mixed up emotions. Hopeful, optamistic and scared!!
I don't know if everyone realizes it or not, but the family we have been requesting prayer for, the Boeckmans, are actually here in the same hospital as we are. What is crazy about all of this is that over the last few months Amy and I along with Micah have been this great support system for each other over the blog. Amy and I found each other because of Micah and Gabi's story. However, Amy and I have never met. So, we are hopefully going to get a chance to do that very soon. It is crazy has things work out. Out of all of the times we could have ended up here, it is when Ava is here on ecmo. I am sure that as we have been supports for each other over the blog, we can now be supports for each other here at CMH. I tell you, God always has a plan!! And as always please keep Ava in your prayers, she is still fighting.
One last note, we are going to have Isabella baptised tomorrow. It was one of those things that we kept meaning to do, but for some reason or another it always fell through. So we will hopefully have pics of that when I figure out why my computer won't let me upload.
Enough rambling for tonight. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. We need them and will take all that we can get!!
Okay one more last thing, Isabella is going to be here for a few more weeks so if anyone would like to help with decorating her room, we would love for you to send drawings, cards, or anything that will liven up this place!! We can hang stuff on the walls. If you would like to mail them:
Childrens Mercy Hospitals
Isabella Gudde
2401 Gilliham Road
Kansas City, MO 64108
P.S. Isabella loves to get mail!!!
So really that is it!!! Goodnight to all
Surgery Update
So let me just tell you how I feel right now!!! I am scared but positive and faithful as I said. It breaks my heart for her to have to go through this, but at least it does not come as a HUGE schock. Let me tell you Matt and I are feeling so loved up here. All of our family is so far away and we feel the love from them, but the massive amount of people we have her in KC now is just amazing. The nurses and other hospital staff that are here with us makes this so much easier. So thank you guys!! Also I am missing my other two girls like CRAZY. I can't stand being away from them. I am NEVER away from Madison, so it is killing me. Everytime of think about Abby and Maddy I just start crying. I have told them sis has to have surgery to fix her heart. They seemed to understand as well as you could expect. So that is about it for now. I don't really know anything definite. As soon as I know anything, I will let everyone else know. I will try to post some pics later.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
We are facing another open heart ASAP
Also please continue to pray for little Ava. I am hoping we can catch up with her family tomorrow and finally meet!!
Prayers for Bella
Love to all
Monday, February 11, 2008
Prayers for Ava
Please stop by to let them know you are praying and thinking of them.
I know Matt and I got alot of strength from the numerous people who just said "we are praying" or "you are in our thoughts and prayers" Trust me it helps!!
And Amy and Nate, Matt and I are praying!!
Change of Plans
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Headed to KC tomorrow
Also don't forget to pray for Ava really really hard tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day for her open heart surgery. So please remember her and her family tomorrow.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
I Survived!!

When I came home Tuesaday after surgery, this is what they had done to my sweet little baby!!

Bella in her new footie pajamas. Aunt Stephanie altered them so they would work with her G-tube.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Welcome Ava!!
In other news, Isabella is doing great. She is feeling well and it is suppose to be nice tomorrow, so we are debating about taking her to Matt's sisters for the super bowl. As of right now, it looks like we are going to go. That also depends on how I am feeling.
So I think that is it for now. I am going to try to post some pictures later today.