Yesterday Matt and I took Isabella to KC for her clinic visits. We started the day off by getting up at 4:30 in the morning YUCK!! Bella had cardiology at 10:00. Her echo looked great. They released her for 4 months!! She has NEVER been released for that long. I think the doctor saw the shock on my face because he was like, really Megan she is okay and does not need to be seen. I am so excited about this news. Next we went over to surgery clinic to get her bard button (g-tube) replaced. The bulb of the g-tube ended up breaking off when they were trying to remove it so now it is floating around in her stomach. Hopefully she will poop it out soon. Next we saw the vent Dr. While there, ENT stuck a little camera down her trach to make sure everything looked good. She said her vocal cords are moving nicely and that everything looked great. They suggested starting her on the Passy Muir valve. This goes on the end of her trach and it lets her breath in through her trach but makes her breath out through her nose and mouth. It allows her to be able to make noise out of her mouth. Matt and I got to finally hear her laugh out of her mouth last night. Talk about super precious moment. I will video it and get it on here really soon. Her vent Dr. was also very excited about Isabella's progress.
We also saw a physical therapist yesterday that evaluates patients for equipment. She is helping us get set up with a stander. I don't really know how to explain what that is, but it will let her put weight through her legs and there is a tray so she can play.
Okay, so that is about it for our KC trip. Very good news all around!!!
Isabella is doing great. She was off the vent for 4 1/2 hours this morning already.
Sorry for not posting much lately. I just haven't really been in the mood. I will try to do better from now on. :)
Pictures and Videos coming soon!!!!!!!!