Bella continues to wean off the vent. We can now take her into stores while off the vent, we went out to eat and she stayed off the vent!! It is amazing how much easier it is to get around without the vent. I am just so proud of her. And as always she is just as happy as can be. She is such a blessing in our lives!!
Annie is growing like a weed. She smiles and coos all of the time. She even did a little giggle the other day. Well, it was more like a coo with a hop!! She is just so precious :)
Abby and Maddy are growing up so fast. Maddy will start her second year of pre-school and Abby will be in the 2nd grade. I can't believe how much they have grown this summer.
10 more days until my 30th birthday!! WOW. I can't believe I will be celebrating my 30th and that I am the mother of 4 beautiful girls and so lucky to have such a wonderful husband whom I adore. I think my 30's are going to be awesome!!