Well I guess I am going to do the night shift again!! I think I am starting to get severely sleep deprived. Bella does good all night. She sleeps all night and we just put a crib in our room so she can sleep right next to my bed. However, she eats at midnight, she has a med at 2:00a.m. she then eats again at 3:00a.m. and then eats AGAIN at 6:00a.m. Then I get Abby up at 7:00a.m. and get her ready to be on the bus by 7:30 then Maddy gets up around 8:00 and so starts my day. Nursing shortage stinks!! I know when I was a Director of Nursing it was really hard to find new nurses and I always ended up covering the floor. I kind of feel like I am now the DON of my house. HA HA!!! It's not a bad job though. You can't complain when you get paid to take care of the sweetest baby ever!! Just pray that my husband does not kill the grumpy sleep deprived me!! It is hard sometimes. It is almost like having a newborn again except she is almost 10 months old. I can't believe how close to a year old she is. You always REALLY celebrate that first birthday, but with Isabella it is going to be a CELEBRATION!!! They told us it would be hit and miss for her to even make it to her first birthday. They also told us that the first year will be the hardest. So hopefully they were right about it being the hardest. And maybe it will start to get lots better. I had this overwhelming feeling yesterday morning that things were going to change soon in our family. I can't explain it but I know that it was a really really happy thought. I just imagined Isabella doing so much better. I have started to have dreams of her off the ventilator. Wow wouldn't that be wonderful!!! They said in the beginning she would probably be off the vent by two years old. I pray everyday that they are right. Well I am starting to ramble, so I leave you with pics of my sweet baby!! ENJOY!!

LOOK she is smiling!!! It is really hard to catch the full fledged smile on camera but you can tell she is happy!!
Bath time on Sunday. Can't you see how chunky she has gotten. Look at those baby rolls!!
I know she is not doing anything in this video but I know that all of you die hard Bella fans that have not seen her in person for awhile will appreciate even the most simple of videos!!
awww...thank you so much for all the pictures of my smiling baby!!!!! I miss her so much! It is so good to see how well she is doing, it makes me so proud...(that sounds kinda dumb, but I am so proud of her). That smile makes me melt. I must see you guys soon, hopefully I can wait until your appointment. It was also great to see her off the vent during her bath:). You better be taking care of yourself though Megan, try to catch up on your sleep. I so wish you guys lived closer, because I would come be your night nurse in a second...you wouldn't even have to pay me!! Take care, love you guys. Be sure to Bella, Becky loves her and misses her and is sending lots of kisses!
Praying you get some good help, soon!!!
Aunt Judy
Love all the pictures and I really enjoyed the video. It's even kind of comforting to hear the vent in the background, weird, I know, but it's kind of like white noise (as long as it's not high pressuring! :) ).
Miss you bunches!
I hope that you can catch up on sleep soon. Don't spread yourself to thin!!! I know how you feel though. After awhile of having night nursing, I decided I didn't want them anymore. Needless to say Kaden still sleeps in bed with us...but only because I feel more comfortable with him there. So it sounds like you are making big plans for Bella's birthday!!! We did the same thing...went crazy. It's hard not to when these babies fight so hard and prove so many people wrong. I don't know how far you live from CMH but I am sure that if you invite some of Bella's old nurses they would love to come. We did that with Kaden and a few of the nurses from CMH drove down to celebrate with us. Besides that, they would probably be thrilled to see how great she is doing in person. Well, I hope the sleep situation gets better for you SOON. You are doing a wonderful job at EVERYTHING!!! Thinking and praying for you always, Amy
Oh Megan...thank you so much for sharing your sweet pea, and the video was the perfect touch. Even though she was doing "nothing" I think it was perfect because you captured her everyday stuff. It's moments like that we will cherish forever and we as parents of children who have had to fight hard, appreciate those moments more than anything. It's the simple things in life we make a huge deal out of. I love her smile, she is such a little miracle baby and I am so proud to be a part of her life. I just wish we could see you guys...I miss you sooooo much!!!
If I could I would scoop you up and steal you for an afternoon! I hope soon you get some much needed sleep. I know how much you care for your girls and I know why you do it, I just hate to hear the pain in your voice...the blog;) Stay strong, you are doing a fantastic job! And look at how well your baby girl is doing, and I bet 99% of her doing so well comes from you. You are her strength as she is to you.
Well, I am hungry again, so I must go snack...I guess this is my chance to gain with an excuse right...haha!!
Love you! Call me anytime!
She is soooooooooooooo precious!!! I loved the video. Matt shared with me about her smiling all the time!!! That is so awesome. Be careful about your own health!! Wish I could help!! Let me know if there is anything...I mean ANYTHING I can do.
Love ya,
Sheri, Jeff, Ty, and Jenna
she is just so cute....her smile lovvve it....get some rest you need to stay strong...
bye from you nyc friends
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