Okay here is the T-shirt design. We are selling right now. We will be taking order until November 21st. They are going to be $10.00 each for adults and $8.00 each for kids. The proceeds go to the ministry to help other critically ill children. We are hoping to be able to do something for Christmas for some of the kids in the PICU at Children's Mercy. So if you want a shirt please place your order soon. We will deliver most people their shirts but for those of you who live far away, we can ship them, just add $2.00 to your order for shipping. If you would like to pay by paypal, please go to the sidebar and there is a button there that says donation. For those you who are wanting to do check or money order, just send to P.O. Box 94 Oswego, KS 67356. Or if you want to order in person. Whatever works best!! We hope to have a more male like t-shirt designed soon. I know this one is kind of girly. So you men keep watching for that!! Matt has already said he doesn't think he will wear this one!! Oh and please specify if the shirt is child or adult and what size you would like. And the shirt is going to be white. Also they will be ready around the last week of November. Okay if anyone has any additional questions about the shirts, just e-mail me at megangudde@hotmail.com
Okay on another note, please pray for Bella. She has a bit of a virus right now and doesn't feel so great. She is running a little temp and has diarrhea. She just acts like she feels really crummy. So please pray for her recovery from this little virus.
Love to all!!
p.s. to view a larger image of the design just click on the picture and it allow you to see it in a much bigger view!!
We ask in the name of Jesus, that God's healing power will flow through our precious Isabella, right now. Our Father is so loving, compassionate, and He loves to give freely as His children ask anything of Him. Thank you, Lord, for healing Isabella. Amen.
Love the shirt and will get our orders in when possible. I'll be on cell phone until probably Thursday, the 15th. Hope to see you next Tuesday.
Love you bunches!
Aunt Judy
so how is she doing this evening?? I'll get those pics to you ASAP and I'm going to try to emial that logo to my mom to see if she would intersted...love you guys
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