ICE!! ICE!! ICE!! I can't beleive the amount of ice we have. It is a winter wonderland out there and it is going to continue that way for the next few days. So no school today and probably not tomorrow. We had to deal with our first electric outage since Bella being on the vent. Thankfully it came back on within an hour so we did not have to transfer her. We are still having little brown out and black outs today. Lots of our neighboring towns are out of electricity and will be staying that way for some time. It is pretty, the ice. So we are trying to come up with lots of indoor activities to occupy the kids. I think we are going to attempt to make some paper mache ornaments this afternoon. (YIKES)
As promised here are some pics. Thank you Micah and Jason for saving the day with your camera.
My kids fell in love with Jason!!
Massive amounts of gifts. And this isn't even all of it!!
Madison hanging out on the table.
A wagon full of stockings. We also had another wagon full of gifts that would not fit in the stockings.
Abby and Madison helped Micah put together candy bags.
Also, visit Micah's site at http://gabrielesheridan.blogspot.com/ Micah has tons of pics.
All of us!!
What a day. The girls were out before we even hit the interstate. They were exhausted. (Yeah my camera decided to work after it was all over, that is how I obtained this pic!!) Go figure!!
I meant to post this pic last week. This is Becky and Bella on Wednesday before her appointment.
This is Bella sporting her santa hat from Micah. It fits her just right. So we are going to keep putting it on her to see when she grows out of it to prove her head is growing. Also note that she is smiling and obviously interacting with her Aunt Stephanie here. You can just see it in her eyes!!
So enjoy the massive amount of pics. Pray we keep our electric because I really hate to have to move Bella to the hospital in this cold weather. Not to mention if we have to go plug in at the hopsital, there will be tons of sick people there!!
Love to All
We will be saying extra prayers that you will keep Bella at home...the safest place for her!
And I LOVE the pic of her in her Santa hat! She is smiling and it is not an accident, the doc's need to give her more credit!!!
I had fun shopping for her today. Told Jason he is gonna go with me to pick out a toy or 2, that's his specialty...imagine that!!!
Love to ALL!!!
Love the icy pictures. We are starting to get that same lovely weather here as well, and the same thing crosses my mind...I hope the electricty does not go out. They are forecasting 1-2 inches of ice ; ), I am glad to hear all went well Saturday and enjoyed the pictures. I too agree, you can definately see Bella's smile and light in her beautiful eyes. She is no doubt one gorgeous little girl. Thanks for posting all of the wonderful pictures. I will pray for your power to stay on as I pray for ours as well!!! Take care. Love, Amy
I love the picture of Bella in her Santa hat. She is so cute. It is so obvious that she is smiling and interacting with her Aunt Stephanie. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the pictures of all the girls. They are all so cute.
Bonnie C
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