Well on Monday the 17th, my sister did it!! She got married!! It was a really small ceremony with only 8 of us in attendance. We then went out to eat afterwards and now the couple is spending a lovely honeymoon in Branson. So I have been the only nurse since last Friday!! It is okay though I am just really tired. I am ready for my sister to come back. I think she is coming back tomorrow.
Bella continues to battle the puking. She is having most of her trouble in the late afternoons and evenings. I don't know what this has to do with anything. She weighed 8.8K when we got home and now she is down to 8.5K. So not a huge weight loss but it is some. She was up to 21# before surgery and now at 8.5K that is 18.7#. So all in all, she has lost some weight but a lot of it was water weight before surgery. She is currently on lasix and diuril which are two different diuretics. I just hope we can figure out why she is puking. I don't know if we ever will.
Madison has turned into quite the little "sassy pants" She mouths off about everything and doesn't mind at all!! I remember this phase with Abby, but I don't remember it being that bad. I guess because I had less kids then!!
We have all had the stomach virus at my house. It knocked Matt and I down for two days each. It was really yucky stuff. I think when Bella was really puking like crazy, she had the virus also. So who knows. Well I have to go finish getting dinner ready.
Until Later
Congrats to your sister!!! Bella looks so cute in her skirt, I can't wait to put Ava in dresses and skirts. I hope your sister can come back soon and give you a little break, I know how exhausting it can be and I do not even have the other two to chase around. Well, hang in there.
Love, Amy
we have had the tummy stuff as well. Todd and Hunter got over it in 2 days but it is lingering with me. Bella's outfit is adorable in the first picture. I hope she feels better soon. Hugs--karen
That's wonderful for your sister! Do you have any pics from the ceremony?
Bella's shirt is very cute... I just wonder why Caden didn't get one? :) He has enough clothes to dress ten babies!
So my mom said that she gave a speech at some medical conference, and there were two nurses there from Oswego. Just curious if you know them. She said that they had heard of Caden. I wonder how? :) Anyway, she showed them a picture of him. She likes to show them to anyone she can!
Caden is almost 16 months old, and he has just barely doubled his birth weight. But the way I look at it, the faster and the bigger he gets, the sooner they will have to replace the conduit, so it's okay that he's skinny.
Hope things just keep getting better for you guys!
Talk to you soon, Ashlea
Thinking about you all during this long week - Spring Break! Stay strong Megan - what a week for you not to have a nurse! I'm missing my girls badly - I am hoping to get over to see you all next week - I will call later in the week to talk. Isabella looks great - despite the puking, and I doubt if a little weight loss will hurt! I'm excited to see all her new tricks!!!
Love and Kisses to Abby, Maddie, and Bella. Hugs and encouragement to you Megan - Psalm 121
Love, Christina
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