Well you heard it here first, Isabella has finally figured out how really use her voice. She has been able to make some noise around her trach as air would leak around, but she wasn't able to actually use her "voice" But she figured it out!! It takes her a minute to do it and you can see on the video she is trying and trying, and then she gets it. I personally think she has the sweetest voice.
Oh my goodness...how sweet. I am so happy for you guys. I remember when Kaden first started using his voice...it is a very exciting feeling!!!
Oh, and the hair...wow!!! It is getting long. Love the piggies by the way. It is just amazing how much she has accomplished since this last surgery. I am glad all is going great. Keep up the amazing work Bella.
Love, Amy
Megan, that is so precious!!! She looks so good! The best I've ever seen her look. And I agree that it is the sweetest voice ever. Oh how I miss that girl so much. Give her some big hugs and kisses for me, and have her start working on saying Becky:), haha. I'm so glad you shared that. Love you guys!
Yes! Such a sweet, little voice! How exciting!
Mom was so excited to get to be at your house and visit a while. Thanks for sharing the pictures!
Aunt Judy
I have sat here this evening and played this about 50 times. I am so in love with that baby and I can't believe what I'm hearing! I can't believe that I left early that night and missed this!
I clicked on that and just cried my eyes out. I made Dan and the kids come inside and watch it. I even called mom and dad.
She truly is an amazing little girl.
Love- Aunt Stephanie
Oh Megan she dose have a sweet voice. Isabella I like you piggies they are just so cute I am glad that you got to see great grandma she looks good. I am glad that you are getting along really good. I am so happy for you all.
From Adrianna and her mommy Kim
Megan...all I can say is AWESOME GOD!!! She is such a fighter and looks amazing. Can't wait to see her and you guys in person. Mom and Beth heard it over the speaker phone and were ahhed. :-) We love you guys sooo much. Keep up the great work...all of you.
Bella looks so beautiful, and I love her piggies! Her voice is so sweet. I can't wait to hear more of it in the future!
She looks so good! I love her hair! It's a pretty color. I think she looks like her sister. My computer is screwing up with the buffering, but I'll try to watch the video later.
Oh Megan,
I loved the video. Made me get all teary to hear sweet Bella talking. So beautiful!
I miss you guys!
Love the hair!! Keep the pictures coming!! So glad to hear she is making those noises...pretty soon you may be regrettin' it. You may have a chatterbox on your hands!!:)
Love ya,
Oh my goodness, I am so excited for couple of reasons. Hearing her voice what an answered prayer. I remember hearing little bitty noices when she was in the picu last and how amazing it was, but now she is at home...progressing so well. And then those piggies. She is absolutely adorable. I cannot believe how long they are, they remind me of my angel's piggies. That puts a huge smile on my face! Keep babbling and sportin those piggies Miss Bella Boo...we love you all!!
as always Love and Prayers
another milestone for bella!!!miracle after miracle. we are so richly blessed.just another testimony that he answers prayers.love you all, grandma g
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