Bella is getting to be such a big girl. I can't believe how much hair she has now. She is off the vent for 1 hour a day. She stayed at 100% spo2 on room air while off the vent yesterday. She just gets tired of breathing on her own because she needs to build up more muscles.

She had PT and speech therapy today. She swallowed for the speech therapist and showed lots of promise to be able to eat by mouth in the near future. PT is also very impressed with her. She was awake the whole time and she kept her head held up for all of her session. She did so good and I was just so proud of her!!

Her scars are starting to fade again. I think they look pretty good.

Abby at her first t-ball game of the season. She hit the ball really well. She was the last batter, so she had to run all of the bases (I guess that is how they do it in t-ball) Anyways, she was really confused!!

My little girl running.

Isn't she cute!!
So we are going to FINALLY pour the rest of our concrete tomorrow. So hopefully the building project is about to take off again. Keep your fingers crossed.
I can't get over how big your girls are getting!
Love to you all-
Great photos!! Way to go Bella on breathing on your own, and keeping such good sats!! Come give Rhett a few lessons on good sats on room air, okay?
Lots of ((hugs)) coming your way!!
Pam and Rhett
I was just going to send you a post asking for pics of Bella....thanks. She looks great and YES, look at the HAIR!! We just buzzed all of Tuckers off last night, didnt really mean too but he wont sit still....so he has his summer cut now. :) Looks like she could have some good piggy tails.
I can't believe how much hair she has! It's great that she's doing so well with the therapy and breathing on her own. That must make her tired, using those muscles, but she'll get there. She looks great!
Oh my goodness....she is huge Meg and looks awesome. :-) I love the bll pics of Abby. i miss you all soooo much. When will you be up here again???? We need to go have some fun...ALL of us. :-) Love you!!
WOW!!! That is great. I know, now that I am home...time for Kaden to start building up his muscles too. I am so proud of Bella. And look at Gabi go. She looks like she is having so much fun.
Thinking about you.
She is getting so big. I am glad that she is doing good. Is everyone ready for the summer I know I am I cant wait for it all to get here. Well I just wanted to say hi.
From Adrianna and her mommy Kim
Wow, I'm so glad to hear how well Bella's doing! It's the little steps in the right direction now, and one day she'll totally shock you by suddenly doing something you've been waiting for anxiously. Of course, she'll act like, "what, mom? What's the big deal?" I love the updates!
Bella is looking fabulous! I am so excited to hear all the wonderful progress she is making...we knew it was possible:)
Great pics, I always love seeing your girls. Hopefully things are rolling with the addition.
Can't wait to see you again. Kinsley is dying to meet you:)
Love you, miss you...
yippy on bella breathing all by herself!! she is amazing!!!
Megan, so Kim and I were talking today, and wanted to know if you have a life now, and that's why you don't update us on our favorite girl as often! haha. Just giving you a hard time, I can't imagine you are busy or anything! Anyways, Bella looks great in the tub, and it sounds as if everything is going well. Miss you guys, give her some big kisses for me!
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