Matt and I ventured off this last weekend for my birthday leaving the kids at home. My sister-in-law, who is one of our part time nurses, came to stay with Isabella and then her teenage daughter watched Abby and Maddy. We decided to go to Kansas City to see friends. We ate dinner with our good friends Mike and Amber Heavner. Then we headed over to Eudora for a surprise party for Jason Acker. We had a great time, but I missed the girls. I couldn't sleep without listening to Isabella's vent. It was the first time I had been away from her overnight excluding when she was in the hospital. She did great though. I think maybe again one of these days Matt and I will do it again!!
I am glad you had a great birthday. You guys should definitely do that more often, you deserve it. I know what you mean about not being able to sleep without the sound of the vent in the background...it becomes almost soothing : ).
That's great that you guys got to get away for a while. I'm glad you had fun, and you deserve it!
Hey Meg...like I said before, we had a great time. Hopefully we can make it down there for Matt's bday..fun, fun and babysitters which is the BEST part. :) Love you and hope you all are having a great week.
I am so glad you guys were able to come and hang with us. And why is it you and I are picture taking fools and we never take pics with each other. Next time we better get it together! When is Bella's next appt? And didn't you say Matt's b-day is in Sept? We will be planning a trip your way.
Love you! Thanks again!
I am glad that you had a good brithday. I am glad that the girls are getting along ok. Well I hope to talk to you soon.
From Kim and Adrianna
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