I would like to ask for prayers for Bella. She has not been feeling that great. It is nothing serious. She is however cutting 6 molars!! She is suffering from allergies like the rest of us. So in turn all of this makes her throw up....A LOT. She gets gagged on all of the extra secretions. She has been fussy and just not feeling great. Other than that, things are great here. Isabella saw CCVI yesterday (they come to the house once a month) and they brought her that mirror with the beads you see above. When she hits it, it vibrates and plays music. She really likes it a lot. Also you can see above how she is starting to really bring her hands together at midline. So all in all, we are making little baby steps in the right direction!!
Abby and Maddy are loving school. Abby had her first spelling test yesterday and she got a 100%!!
Way to go Abby! That's great! I know some people that probably wouldn't pass that spelling test... just kidding. :)
We will be praying for Bella to start feeling better. Caden's cutting his molars too, but not 6 of them! Ouch!
Kaden is suffering from those darn allergies as well. He had been waking up about three times in the middle of the night needing constant suctioning. At some points he would get suctioned for about an hour at a time. I started giving him Benedryl at night and his zyrtec during the day. It has seem to help some, just and idea if you haven't already tried it. Poor baby girl, that on top of teething, yuck. Hopefully those darn molars will come in soon.
On the other hand...GREAT JOB ABBY!!! Keep it up girlfriend!!!
Good job Abby that is wonderful. I will keep praying for Isabella in hopes she gets to feeling better. Adrianna is not doing so good either so I know how she is feeling well I hope you all are doing good and talk to you guys soon and you all are in my thoughts a prayers. Love you all from Adrianna and Kim
We are thinking of you guys, I hope Bella is better soon.
Hey, guess what...I got to snuggle with Elaina last night!! She was right across the hall from us in the PICU, and Hollie is taking a much needed break this weekend with her son, so I promised her I would love on Elaina for her.
It made me think of Bella, and how much I would love to munch on her cute cheeky's!!
Tell Abby she is doing great.
I think of your family often!!
Stopping by to say Hi! I'm glad you got to go to KC. I hope Bella is feeling better. How is Madison enjoying preschool?
So glad to hear things continue to progress in the right directions:) I have to tell ya though, my fav on this entry has to be Maddy and the chicken...too cute!
I miss you guys like crazy, Oct. 1 can't get here soon enough!
Love, hugs, and prayers
Great pics! Bella is getting so big!
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