Septmeber 2007
On September 12, 2007, Matt and I brought Isabella home from CMH for the fifth time in her short 9 months of life. As you all know, this was the trip that was the most serious for Isabella. It was the trip that we almost lost her. She suffered brain damage, lost her hearing and her sight. They told us to take her home and see what happened. They said if she "crumps" again, then it would not be inappropriate to let her die at home. They said it would be hit and miss for her to make it to her first birthday, if she even survived that long. But look at her now!!!! Even though we went back to CMH for that short little stay to have our second open heart, I consider us to have been home for a year now. During that first nine months, she was never home for more than one month. One time we flew back in seven days, another time we flew back in 4 days. All in all, we were at CMH for 160+ days that first nine months. A lot has changed since those days of living at the Ronald McDonald house. Matt and I feel so fortunate that we get to be home as a family now with Isabella. She is the sweetest baby with the biggest smile. As her personality develops more and more I fall in love with her even more and more (I know I didn't think it was possible to love her any more than I already do!!!)
I can't believe that in just 3 1/2 months, my baby girl will be two!!!

It is amazing how God helps us when he is needed. I cant believe she is going to be 2 years old in a few months it dose not seam to be that long. I am so glad that she is doing so well and everything is going so good for her. Well Isabella I just wanted to say that you are a amazing little girl also God bless you and your family and I will keep praying for you and your family,
I love you all talk to you soon From Kim and Adrianna
I found you through Amy at Kaden and Angel Ava. What a beautiful miracle you have. Isabella is such a gift from God. She is just another one of these little ones that amaze me with their strength and will to live. Good luck with your journey and may you have nothing but wonderful memories. I will follow your amazing story for sure.
I was going to call you today because I got to thinking about when we used to have to use lubricating jelly to put bows in her hair, and now she has SOOO much hair! And then I was thinking that was a year ago this month! Then you go and post this! We must be thinking the same thing...
Aunt Stephanie
WOW...I can't believe she is going to be two either. What a little miracle you are Bella and oh so cute!!!
What a sweet little miracle! I can't believe both of our babies will be two soon. I am amazed!
Miracles happen and Bella is proof. She has come so far and I look forward to watching her grow.
She's such a beautiful little girl! I've been enjoying watching her progress on your blog, and hope to continue to watch her grow! Bella's got an amazing little story for not even being 2 yet!
Hugs from Sammi!
She looks great and has come so far. Keep up the great and awesome job you are doing. 2 years old. WOW, how the time flies huh? Tuck just turned 3 and I cannot believe it. Hold on tight because she will be driving before you know it. ::) Hugs to you.
I can't believe a year has passed, amazing how different things are from then. Bella is such a blessing and I am so glad you guys came into our lives. Not a day goes by I don't think about and prayers everyday!
Miss you tons
She is so adorable and doing so well. I am so very proud of her and love reading about all of her progress. She sure has come a long way and she is one heck of a fighter to stay in this world. You should be most proud!
Prayers always,
wow. will she really be 2? time sure does fly! i enjoy reading about your sweet girl and how well she had done. she is an inspiration to many!
Wow, it is so exciting to hear of Bella's progress. I am so glad to hear she is doing so well. She, in a way, reminds me of Kaden. How they didn't really think he would make it either and all he wanted was to be at home. The two of them are such little miracles. And you are such an inspiration to show poeple what just a little tender loving care can do. The love you have for your girls shows through your thoughts & words.
Good luck. I hope everything continues to go as well as it is now. Bella seems to be making so much progress.
What a tough little cookie you have. God is amazing... it is through His strength and love we have all survived! So glad Bella is doing well!
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