Tag #1
My friend Amy Boeckman tagged me for a photo tag. You have to pick the photo from the fourth file and then the fourth photo. My photo ended up being a pic of Bella after her first open heart. She still has the steri strips on her chest so I bet she is like a week 1/2 post op here. I can't believe how tiny she looks!!
Tag #2

This tag comes from Amy at http://kadenboeckman.blogspot.com/. Here are the rules...
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share seven facts about yourself on your blog--some random, some weird.
3. Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
About Myself
1. I consider my self to be a bit OCD. I love love love to clean. I sweep my hardwood floor like four times a day.
2. The books on my bookshelf are separated out by author and genre. (another OCD trait!!)
3. My favorite music is Christian Rock.
4. I love to read and I seriously read around 75 novels a year.
5. I love to bake. Up until I got pregnant and became so nauseous, I was baking about 3 batches of cookies a week. That is like 9 dozen cookies!!
6. My husband and I were set up by a friend. When we met we didn't waste anytime planning our lives together. We were engaged within 6 months and married at one year. We used to think we wanted 7 kids!! (We are not to far from that goal)
7. I rearrange my furniture ALL the time. My sister-in-law Steph works every other weekend, and she comes in and can never find anything because I have moved it ALL!!
I am tagging YOU!!
1. Micah- http://gabrielesheridan.blogspot.com/
2. Angela- http://mom2girlsgirlsgirls.blogspot.com/
4. Angie- http://www.xanga.com/Ivys_Vine
5. Carrie- http://cbranam.blogspot.com/
6. Penny- http://sporefamily.blogspot.com/
7. Laura- http://lilliansheart.blogspot.com/
That is the cutest picture of Bella!!! She does look soooo tiny.
Isabella is so little in that picture now look at her and how much she has gone thew. That is just amazing how much she has changed. I hope everyone is doing well and I can't wait to hear from you all soon. From Kim
What a sweet picture of Bella! Such a sweetie.
P.S. Did you notice on your last comment to me that you said the "other three girls"??? Do you think it's another girl? I think it's a boy. :)
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