Girl Parts!!! Is that how everyone else sees it?

Yep, as far as they could tell, it looks like we are having baby girl #4. I was so shocked. I was just sure they would say it was a boy!!! Oh well, I am still happy either way. She was so active during the sono that they had trouble getting any good pics of her girl parts. So we are not 100% but as you can see in the top pic, it looks pretty girly if you ask me!! She was touching her face with her knees and she was playing with her head with her hands. It was so precious. So now we need a girl name. I don't think she would appreciate it if we named her Jacob Allen!! We wouldn't know what to do with a little boy anyways, right?
Awww... that stinks! Not really, I'm sure she'll be a doll. I can't believe that! 4 in a row...
When do you go for your fetal echo?
looks like girl parts to me too.
That's awesome! I can't wait to meet her!
Aunt Stephanie
I am from a family of 5 girls so I think that your family will be so much fun with 4 girls! Congrats! I am thinking the same thing about having a boy, what in the world am I going to do with him!
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!! I am so happy for you. Girls rock!
Happy New Year!!
Congrats...poor Matt, he is way out numbered now!!! I am glad to see that you received ALL good news.
As for naming your girl Jacob Allen, I agree it probably wouldn't be ok with her when she got older. I know you said that Allen is Matt's dad (or grandpas) name, what about Alli or Allison (I know it is kind of close to Abbey's name, but it kind of goes with the whole Allen theme!!!). Just a thought
hey you could always try to find the female version of Jacob...like with Ruby Michelle after Michael. It was just a thought. :)
I'm sooo glad that everything seemeed to look great and healthy and I can't wait to meet her. Love and miss you!
Congrats! That's so funny, though. We were totally unable to come up with a boy's name, but could think of a girl's name, so we were very hopeful that we were having a girl. Luckily we did. :-) But I have no idea what I'm looking at on those sonos, so I never fully believed it until she was born.
Jennifer Ann that is what we have came up with. I am so glad that she is doing good. I am glad that everyone is doing and how did your New Years. I will talk to you later from Kim
Congratulations! I'm due almost the same day as you and we have 4 boys. We found out that this one is a girl (more likely a tomboy)! I didn't know we knew how to make those. That top pic is so funny because I kept asking if they look for something on girls or just not boy parts so that whole "3 lines" thing was news to me. Good Luck- I'll be following and I'm glad everything is looking good. And as I tell everyone- a blessing is a blessing and you sure would never want to change one!
Oh Man...I was just so sure it was a boy.
I like the name Samantha. That is was my Dad wanted me to call Melana and he, to this day, calls her Sammy. He didnt like the name Melana and told me that if I named her that he was going to call her Samantha AKA Sammy...and that he does.
Sam is a great nickname for a girl. How bout Samantha Noel. Love that!
I echo so many others when I say Congrats!! I KNOW you will cherish and love that baby no matter what!! Sonos have been interpreted wrong before, so you never know. I can't make much sense of them either, but i've never had any of my own (yet) so haven't actually had it explained and all that. We'll see if I get it even then, whenever that will be...
So glad things are coming along on the house. I have a friend that spent 5 years building a house, and they finally got to move in, but they did the work themselves, and don't owe a penny on the property, house, anything. Very impressive, and challenging too!! Makes me feel like there's hope for us staying debt free if we work at it.
Little girl, little boy does it really matter? It will be loved just as much as the other 3. you can always try that one more time thing if it is a girl. :) I like the name Faith Rechelle or Hope Marie. God Bless your family
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