As the title says, I am daydreaming. I find myself in constant thought about the baby coming. I can't wait to meet her and hold her and kiss her. The last few days are the hardest to wait out. So much anticipation!! I have her room all ready and her clothes neatly hung in the closet. Our bag is packed and we are ready to go. Now we are just waiting on our little girl to arrive. If I don't go into labor on my own, they are going to induce the 25th or 26th. I go back to the Dr. Thursday. We will see if there is any change. As of last week, I was not showing any signs of labor. On another note, they think she is going to be a big baby. She feels big to me. We will see. Also I am going to try to do this with no epidural. I have only had the epidural with Abby and I just remember feeling so drugged and groggy. With Madison and Bella once the pain of labor and delivery was gone, I felt great. So I am trying to mentally prepare myself. However, if at any point (hopefully before it's too late) that I feel the need for one, I will ask.
So Baby girl feel free to come out at any time.
Happy 7th Birthday Abby!! We love you. 
Good luck having that baby!! I did one with epi and two without and you are right... you feel so much better without it!! I am sure you will do great!!!
She'll be here before you know it! You better tell Matt to get on here immediately and post updates every 15 minutes throughout the labor and delivery. Ok, so that may be a little much, but you get the point. :) Can't wait to see pictures!!!
Oh so glad to hear from you. I am hoping that at your appt, you are starting to show some signs of labor. I am excited to see your new princess.
I CAN'T WAIT to see pictures of her!!! I am so excited for you guys!!! So, I was wondering...are they going to do a sono closer to your due date to see how much she might weigh? With Brody, the doctor did a sono a little before my 39th week...that's when we found out that he was "close" to 11lbs and it was decided to have him three days later (had to wait out the weekend). I also was wondering if they think she is big if they talked to you about the possibility of a c-section and the pros and cons to go either weigh? Just wondering and thinking about you girlie (and of course your beautiful babies!!!).
Again...I can't wait to see little Miss.
I can only imagine how ready you are. Every time I see your van drive up at school I wonder--is Megan in there? Happy waiting!
HAPPY LATE BDAY TO ABBY AND MADDY!!!! Sorry for the late wishes...this month has seemed to just fly by ya know. So happy for the good news earlier. :) I'll be praying for you you all and miss you sooooooo much.
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