Hmmm. Where should I start??
We have been busy over the last few months. Annie gave us a couple of big scares. She had a massive grand mal seizure at the beginning of December. It was completely out of the blue. She was laying next to me in bed chattering away and then the next thing I know she is seizing. I panicked. Even after all I have been through with Isabella you would think that I have learned to stay calm under pressure....not this time. I FLIPPED. I was home alone, so I called the paramedics. My sister rushed over to be with Bella and the other girls. Matt was making a mad dash home from work. Annie had been seizing for 20 plus minutes at this point. She was turning blue. The paramedics gave her Valium and ativan to stop the seizure but in turn she needed help breathing. So in my living room they intubated yet another one of my babies. We took two med flights that night and ended up in the PICU at Childrens Mercy. They had no reasons for her seizure and she has had two since. She is fine other than that. She is perfectly healthy and happy. They are not going to put her on medication unless she has another. So it is just wait and see. The last two have been less traumatic. The Valium they gave us to give her at home stops the seizures, Thank God!!
On a happier note, she is pulling up to everything and cruising around the furniture. She is such a ham!! I love her sweet smile :) She will be nine months in a few weeks. It just does not seem possible.
As for miss Bella. She is doing great. She is starting home school next week. She will have a PT, OT and speech therapist come in once a week. She will also have the preschool teacher coming into our home once a week. I am so excited for this new chapter in Bella's life.
As for the vent, she is off all day (13 hours) unless she is sick. I am so proud of my Bella Boo. She defeats the odds and surprises us each day.
Abby and Maddy are great. The are getting so big. They are such great helpers!!
We are good and other than the few curve balls that get thrown our way......Life is great

Annie at Childrens Mercy in the PICU
I am so glad that the grils are doing great. I wish you and your family the best. All the grils are all getting big. I had something that happen to us about 3 weeks ago Adrianna was messing around with some of my mom meds and she got very sick and had to stay in the hospital. Right now she is feeling a little bit better every day. Well I just wanted to say hi and I hope to talk to you soon From Kim and family
I enjoyed reading your update. I'm glad to hear that everything is going well after your few scares. I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts.
Director of Blogger Relations
What cuties!
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