Today Isabella got into the bumbo chair!!! Yeah. She didn't really think too much of it. She is still weak from all of the laying around. She is getting stronger and better everyday. She got new rattles today that wrap around her wrist. She has been happy and kicking her little feet all day. Our friends Amber and Mike came up today with their little ones. Amber stopped in to see Bella and we had a word of prayer. Amber has this awesome faith and I love it when she comes up to the hospital to pray with us. We then decided to go down t
o Crown Center and go to the Irish Fest. Well, it was ten dollars a person just to get in. So, we went and walked around the mall for a little bit and ate dinner. It was nice to just get out for awhile. So it has been a wonderful day. She looks and acts a little better everyday. Here are some new pics of her in her Bumbo chair from today. Also some pics of her sleeping today. I know she is so CUTE!!! Oh and she smiled today. Not a half smile but a full smile. Matt was eating her armpit!!! I guess that is really funny to her.
I love your painted tootsies. We all miss you so much and can't wait for you to come home. Sione walks around the house saying "Bella! Home! Now!" So you need to listen to your cousin and come home soon. We are all praying for you.
I love you!! Aunt Eenie
ohh...i love the new pics!!!
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