It was the first time since May that all of us had been in the van together, or even went anywhere together as a family. Matt, Abby, Madison, Bella, my mom and myself loaded up into the van. Then (one hour later!!) we were off to Wal-Mart. I know you are thinking what are those crazy people taking Bella to Wal-Mart for. Well let me tell you I was a little nervous about taking her out. I was scared of how she would react. But, she was so happy the entire time. She smiled all the way to Wal-Mart and the entire time in Wal-Mart. She was more alert in Wal-Mart than I have seen her in a really long time. Don't worry I didn't let anyone breathe on her or touch her. Actually people didn't even stare at her. We only saw three people we knew and said hello to. We just went through the drive-thru at McDonalds so we didn't have to get out twice.
I am really proud of us for taking her out. I think it is so important that she not have to live in a "bubble" She shouldn't have to. She has really never actually ever been "sick" Every time she has gone back to the hospital, it has been her heart.
I am just so glad to have gotten to go somewhere as a family. We are so thankful for days like today. They are very rare and very special. So even just a little trip to Wal-Mart has been the highlight of the last 5 months.
Praise God for the little things right!!
Love to all
Needed prayers for some wonderful families:
As always Micah and Jason Acker http://gabrielesheridan.blogspot.com/
The others are friends of Micah and Jason. We have started following their blogs also
A family with a daughter named Chelsea. She has DS and was just diagnosed with Leukemia. You can visit her at http://cbranam.blogspot.com/
Then another family that also has a little boy with a trach. She is now pregnant with a little girl and they just found out she has hypoplastic left sided heart syndrome along with other complications. You may visit their site at http://kadenboeckman.com/
Good for you guys. I bet Bella sure enjoyed it. It took us forever to get Kaden out of the house other than to go to relatives houses or the hospital. That is actually his favortie store, Wal-Mart. It is kind of crazy what people take for granted, even just the packing up and going. I believe you when you said that it took an hour. The more you take her out, I think the easier it will become. Winter is the hardest time, I don't know if this year will be any different. There is just so many germs. If it makes you feel any better, we carry clorox wipes in our car, just for those trips to Wal-Mart. We wipe down the cart handle where Kaden will be sitting, it kind of makes me feel more at ease!!!! Well I am glad that you two are letting Bella "live" and not be stuck in the house. You seem like you are wonderful parents. You all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Amy
Hey guys that is awesome! Talk about stimulation...you can't get much more stimulation than going to see all the crazy stuff at wal-mart! haha.
Thank you so much for the prayers for us, and for the families you've come to know through the wonderful world of the blog! You're amazing people.
Jason, Micah, Gracie, Angel Gabi, and Baby Acker
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