First off I would like to thank everyone who ordered a shirt or donated money or gifts. Wow, it was a really good turn out and I would like to just say thank you from the bottom of my heart. This ministry means so much to me. Everything is going great. We have lots of toys. We are in need of more boy toys and more baby toys. There are going to be 12 open heart surgeries done that week, so we are expecting the PICU to be super full. 8 of the surgeries are baby boys. Mom is making flannel blankets, but I need to go buy more fabric to make some more. We are not going to have enough for the amount of babies that are there. Here is a magnet that Christina and I whipped up today. Micah made a butterfly ornament for Gifts of Gabi's Grace and we did the daisy magnet for Miracles Happen. There will be one of each the butterfly and daisy in each stocking. We will be taking tons of pics that day also, so everyone will be able to enjoy them here on the blog.
Bella updates

Okay, I don't think I talk about Christina enough. She is my day nurse. She is so great. I look at life with her here now and wonder how I ever survived without her. For those of you who don't know, she helped me design the t-shirt. She designed the magnet. Not only does she help me with the ministry, she has been a God send for our entire family. I trust her completely with Bella. I tease that she not only takes care of Bella, but she also takes care of me. I think everyone needs a Christina in their lives!! So anyways about this pic right here. This is Bella in the Johnny Jump Up, borrowed from non other than Christina. This is only her second time in it, but she does fairly well. She tries to jump some. She is just getting used to having ground under her feet. And not to mention this is the first time she has seen the world from this view. So I am getting her a jumping saucer thing for Christmas. I think it will be great to help her build her strength. Bella is doing great. She already has two teeth. She weighs 18lbs 8 oz, which means she gained 1 lb 8 oz just this month.
Everyone I would like for you to meet Boo

This is Boo. She is Isabella's chicken. My mom decided a few months back that she wanted chickens. So she (with the help of Matt and my dad) built a chicken coop, then went to the chicken swap (or whatever that is called) and she got some chickens. There is one chicken for each grandkid. Isabella's chicken is the cutest. She has a fluffy butt and she is just really cute....for a chicken!! Isabella has never actually met her chicken, but I am sure she would agree that she is the best chicken we have!! All of the kids names their own chicken. I named Boo. Abby's chicken is Nemo, Madison's is Alex (off the Naked Brothers Band), Sarah's is Princess, Katie's is Dora and Sione's is Bock Bock. Last weekend, Princess and Nemo flew the coop. So my mom made me go and look for the chickens with her. We walked all over the neighborhood. No chickens. Well Nemo finally came home on her own. But we then had to chase her all over the yard to get her back in the coop. Princess however never came home. I told Mom just to finally give up on the stupid chicken. I think she was a little heartbroken!! So now we are down the 5 chickens. Matt has since clipped their wings. So hopefully they will no longer be flying the coop!!

God Bless to everyone.
You guys and the chickens...CRAZY!!! :-) I'm so happy to see everyone doing so well and little miss in the jumper...way cool. PTL! I need to send you those pics and put in a shirt order (is it too late for that?). I'm bad...sorry. I love you guys and am sooo excited at how Bella is growing and learning. Those sisters must be doing a really great job...not to mention the mama and daddy. Hope to see you soon. Love you all!
i might be able to come up with some flannel. My mom and sister bought some when my son was in the PICU to make blankets to donate, I am not sure that ever happened. I will check and get back with you if they have some laying around. (cute baby prints)
Hey crazy chicken lady! Guess it's ture when Jason says I am a true city girl, I could never have chickens:) Oh well, that is why they are at your house and not mine! I cannot believe how big Bella is...We cannot wait to see her, hopefully if all goes as planned we will see her at the big shabang!
Missing you always!
Hilarious! I'd like to schedule an appointment with Nemo to learn to proper procedure for flying the coop--I'm REALLY ready to fly my own coop around here today!
I'm glad things are going well with your ministry. TWELVE open heart surgeries right before Christmas??! I can't imagine.
Love you!
I am so excitied what you guys are doing for the families in our unit. You guys are the best. We really miss you and think of you all very often. I switched to days weekend option so I am very excitied to see you on 12/8! I am going to Walmart today so I will see what I can come up with for boy toys.
Bella looks wonderful! I am so glad you found such a wonderful home health nurse you guys deserve a break.
Give Bella a big kiss and hug.
Love ya,
Kim PICU RN (in case you forgot ha ha)
I love the magnents. They are adorable. I think that is so cute that your mom has a chicken for each of the grandkids. We actually have two cows for Kaden at my father in-law's farm. Kaden loves cows, however he doesn't like the whole "moo" sounds. It is so reassuring for a mom to have such a wonderful nurse. I know that sometimes it's hard to "click" with some of them, especially when you have to be around them so much. Trust is another issue, but it is so great that Bella has somebody who seems to really care about her and your family. I hope all goes very well next weekend. Good luck and have fun!!! Thinking and praying for your family always, Amy
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