It has been CRAZY busy around here. I am working on getting everything ready for Bella's birthday party on Friday night. Then we are going up to KC on Saturday to deliver gifts to the PICU with Gifts of Gabi's Grace. By the way, thank you sooooo much to everyone who donated.
I go back to the Dr. on the 30th. We will then schedule my sono. I am guessing it will be the first week of January. I have dreamt for the last 4 nights that we are having a boy!!
Isabella has been working on recognizing body parts. We are working on nose, hair and mouth. She is trying really hard and when she gets it, she is so cute. She grins from ear to ear, like hey look at me!! We are still trucking right along with being off the vent. She has been ornery with her trach lately. She likes to pull on it so she can talk, well sometimes she pulls too hard and ends of pulling her entire trach out!! She has decanulated herself twice in the last week. She also loves to the take out her feeding tube and let her feeding run all over the place. She thinks it is so funny when you say "No, No Bella".
Matt continues to avoid the layoff!! I am so thankful. So other than being super busy (like all people this time of year) we are all doing great.
I would like to leave you with two videos that the girls prepared especially for all of our blogger viewers. MERRY CHRISTMAS and GOD BLESS!!
Oh, how sweet! I'm glad to hear that things continue to be going well for you all. I have a sono on the 30th, to check his size. I'm crossing my fingers! I think you're having a boy too. :) Can't wait to see your sono pics and be sure to update as soon as you can!!!
Hey Megan,
Glad to hear all is going well with all of your family. I bet you are excited to get your sono scheduled. I remember being so anxious to see Xavier on our sono. Glad to hear that Matt is avoiding layoff. I will keep my fingers crossed.
Great videos....they are so adorable!
Can't wait to hear what you are vote is for Boy! I had 3 boys and then a girl. You have 3 girls, so it must be a boy!
I wanted to let you know that you are such an inspirational Mom to so many people that you don’t even know!! I honestly have no idea how I found your blog in the first place, though I sit in awe every time I visit your blog with everything you have and are going through. You bring such a soft and tender side to parenting such a special child as Isabella. God truly has chosen you and your family to be given such an awesome child as you have in Isabella. Working in the medical world as I do, I see a lot of parents who can’t get past the shear devastation of having a child that does not meet what society says is a “normal” child. That fact that you write with such grace and joy about your experiences really shows what a phenomenal parent you are!!!! I can only imagine that writing about some of the things you have gone through can’t be easy, but honestly know that the words on you blog serve a much higher purpose!! You’re such an inspiration to what a true godly women is and I hope that you give other parents the “seed” to believe that there is ALWAYS HOPE even in the darkest days!!!! That they have to believe that doctors don’t always know everything and that by believing that miracles can happen, they will!!! I don’t believe I have read all the way back to the beginning of your blog, but what I have read over the past year, I don’t think I have ever heard you give up on Isabella once. You’re always striving for her to bet every milestone with the strongest of determination!! WAY TO GO!!!
Besides letting you know what an inspiration you are to many of us out in the bloging world, I am wondering if you might consider logging into another blog that many people are monitoring? This Mom I can sense would really benefit from hearing from another Mom with a child with a trach. This little one was born very premature and has had many, many struggle along the way. She was just transferred from her “home” hospital in North Carolina to Chapel Hill 2 hours away and they are running into lots of obstacles. Right now her daughter has just been trached due to capillary hemangioma in her throat. I thought you might be able to give her some kind and comforting words to let her know that someone out there has been in her shoes, morning the same “silence” she feels with knowing for some time that she will not be able to hear her cry or laugh. She is also grieving the loss of parental freedom of being able to take her daughter out and about without now having a full time nurse to care for her and the trach, especially in the car while driving. If you happen to read today’s entry you will see what she is going through. Here is the link if you think you might be able to help.
Thank you again for all the inspiration that you provide without even knowing it!!!!
I am glad that everyone is doing good. I can't to hear that you are having a little boy I wish you the best of luck. The vioe 's of the girls were very cute. Oh I wanted to tell you that Bj is going to have a baby she just found out I am so Happy for you both. I will be down to see you sometime before the 20th it has been crazy around here with everything going on. Adrianna is getting bigger everyday she is trying so hard to walk she is pulling up to things but that is all she is doing. Well I wish everyone a wonderful Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. Happy Happy Birthday to you Isabella and God Bless you all from Kim
Thanks for commenting on my blog, it is always so fun to meet new people, and get to know these amazing kids! Isabella is beautiful! That is so fun that you are due the same time as me! I am getting the ultrasound done on the 23rd but we are waiting to tell everyone what we are having until Chirstmas Day. Good luck with yours, I can't wait to find out what you are having!
Ok, so after talking to you I had to stop by and see the prego belly. You are so stinken cute. I love it.
Bella seems to be doing well. I am so glad that you she coming right along. You will have to video tape her reaction to getting her body parts right, I would love to see it!!!
So I talked to our medical supply company and he said that the bag is part of the rental, that there isn't a charge. He said that he will call me back about everything. He wanted to see if there was something that he could do to help. When I hear more I will let you know. Our respitory therapists are so awesome!!!
I'm a firm believer that you dream the correct gender of your baby. Sounds like a baby boy will be joining your family!
Bella's birthday! Wow--she's getting to be such a big and beautiful little girl, and it sounds like she's doing great! Glad to see an update from you.
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