Proof that miracles happen

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Isabella is almost of preschooler!!

That's right, Isabella is suppose to start preschool in January. I don't think she will actually start in January if the flu is still this thick around here, but she is eligible to start then. I can't believe she will be three in two months. It is crazy how fast this last year has gone. We are continuing to wean off the vent. She (on good days) can be off the vent for up to 11 hours!! She is rolling all over the place. She may not be able to crawl or walk, but she makes up for it with rolling and scooting :) She follows commands like when you ask her to activate a toy she will. She seems so aware of her surroundings. I can't really explain it, but she laughs and smiles at appropriate times. She has her own way of interacting in a conversation. She doesn't talk or sign, but she has her own body language that lets us know that she understands what is going on. She amazes me everyday and I thank God everyday for our little miracle!!

Annie is growing like a weed. She is now 5 months. She says da da da, na na na, ba ba ba. She can sit up on her own for a few seconds. She is also trying to crawl. she gets up on all fours and rocks. Her and Bella are the best of buds except when Annie pulls Bella's hair and then Bella starts kicking Annie and both babies start crying. (it is really kind of cute)

Madison and Abby are enjoying school. Abby is now having to wear glasses. She takes after her mommy and daddy and is as blind as a bat. So, other than trying to ward of the flu, we are all doing great here. The kids keep me busy. What more can I say!!