Proof that miracles happen

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Life at the Gudde House

Bella giving Annie kisses. It was so sweet

Sorry everyone. I have been very busy with my 4 girls. As you all know, Annie is here. She was born Friday morning at 8:19 a.m. She was 7.6# and 20.5 inches long. She is perfect in every way. I went in Friday morning at around 2:00 a.m. I was at a 5 when I got there. My labor was progressing fairly quick. My Dr. convinced me that I should get an epidural. So in a moment of weakness, I agreed. I didn't however get my epidural until I was at an 8. The epidural ended up stalling my labor for a little while. I stayed at a 9 for 3 hours. Then finally it was time. I pushed once, yes just once and she was here.

She is so wonderful. She nurses very, very well. She is going to pork up quickly. Her Dr. said she is perfect. He is the Dr. that found Bella's heart murmur. He listened to Annie for a very long time on three different occasions. No murmurs!!!!!

So we came home Saturday afternoon and we have just been enjoying life.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Newest Gudde

Thank you Megan for giving me and this world yet another beautiful baby girl, Matt

Here's Annie!! Look at those chubby cheeks!

Annie's Here!

Aunt Eenie posting, so bear with me....

Annie arrived at 8:19 this morning!

7lbs 6oz 20 1/2 inches long

Annie and Megan are doing great!

Will post pictures soon!

Headed to the hospital

I will have someone update as soon as I can.
I can't believe she is almost here!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Any Time

I just got back from the Dr. I am dilated to a 2. He said go home, eat a snack and take a nap. He thought I would go at any time. Will it be today?? I am having contractions. They do seem to be getting stronger and closer together. If for some reason my labor is stalled and I don't progress on my own, he will induce me next Thursday. So at the very most I only have to wait 7 more days. So I am going to lay down and try to rest a little. I will keep everyone posted and let you know if we head to the hospital in a little bit!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


As the title says, I am daydreaming. I find myself in constant thought about the baby coming. I can't wait to meet her and hold her and kiss her. The last few days are the hardest to wait out. So much anticipation!! I have her room all ready and her clothes neatly hung in the closet. Our bag is packed and we are ready to go. Now we are just waiting on our little girl to arrive. If I don't go into labor on my own, they are going to induce the 25th or 26th. I go back to the Dr. Thursday. We will see if there is any change. As of last week, I was not showing any signs of labor. On another note, they think she is going to be a big baby. She feels big to me. We will see. Also I am going to try to do this with no epidural. I have only had the epidural with Abby and I just remember feeling so drugged and groggy. With Madison and Bella once the pain of labor and delivery was gone, I felt great. So I am trying to mentally prepare myself. However, if at any point (hopefully before it's too late) that I feel the need for one, I will ask.

So Baby girl feel free to come out at any time.


Happy 7th Birthday Abby!! We love you.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Birthday Party Fun for Abby and Maddy

Bella playing with her cousin Haydn. They just loved on each other, it was so sweet.
"Spongebob you are going down!!"

Sarah gives it a good whack



A Wii from Mommy and Daddy. They were so excited. And yes that is my belly poking into the picture.

Abby and Maddy playing the boxing game on the Wii. They loved it. Please disregard all of the B-day party trash on the floor in the background :)

Bella had enough party time. She was sacked out

Sisterly love

Maddy Sue