Proof that miracles happen

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Boy was I Wrong!!!!!

Girl Parts!!! Is that how everyone else sees it?
Yep, as far as they could tell, it looks like we are having baby girl #4. I was so shocked. I was just sure they would say it was a boy!!! Oh well, I am still happy either way. She was so active during the sono that they had trouble getting any good pics of her girl parts. So we are not 100% but as you can see in the top pic, it looks pretty girly if you ask me!! She was touching her face with her knees and she was playing with her head with her hands. It was so precious. So now we need a girl name. I don't think she would appreciate it if we named her Jacob Allen!! We wouldn't know what to do with a little boy anyways, right?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

We will know tomorrow!!

Tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. we will finally know if this baby is a boy or a girl. I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. I just know it is a boy. I am going to be shocked if they say "it's a girl"
My appointment this morning went well. My blood pressure was really high the first two times they took it, but it came down significantly for the third try. The heart rate was 150. My measurements are right on with my due date. Oh and I lost three 1/2 pounds. I have no idea how I lose weight when I am pregnant, but I always do.
So that is it for now. Stay tuned for sono pics tomorrow afternoon.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Our little love bug has a name!!!!

Well that is if the name fits the gender. I let Matt have full rein in the naming department this time. So tonight he told the kids and then they got to tell me. First off, it is a boys name. However, I just have a really good feeling that this baby is a boy. I can't explain it, but I just know. I will be really surprised if they tell me its a girl!! I go to the Dr. in the morning and then I will get to schedule my sono. I am hoping they will let me schedule for this week. I am trying not to get my hopes up too much, but I am just so darn excited!!

So what is this mystery name you ask??????


We had actually talked about the name Jacob back when I was pregnant with Abigail 7 years ago. Allen is Matt's Dad's middle name. So what do you think??? If it does turn out to be a girl, then we have NO CLUE. No girl names are coming to mind for either one of us.

Now I am going to leave you with some more Christmas photos.
Madison and Hayden at Matt's mom and dad's for Christmas.

Maddy and I

Madison and Abby with their 3 story doll house that Santa brought them

Here they are in the Hannah Montana tent that Abby got from her cousin Bailey

Bella hanging out with Grandma Gudde

Friday, December 26, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Bella Boo

Tomorrow is the big day!! Bella turns 2!! I can't believe she is already two. It just doesn't seem possible. Friday night we celebrated her birthday with family. She wasn't feeling too great but she had a good time.

My lame attempt at making a giant cupcake

Bella sitting with Aunt Stephanie. Check out her cute little dress and the silver shoes that Aunt Steph gave her for her birthday.

Bella eating frosting off of her cake

After party snuggle time with her sisters. And no, I seriously can't keep clothes on Madison!!
I had to add this one just for fun so everyone could see just how long this girl's hair is.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Ummmm Again, I am sorry for being such a lazy blogger!!

Isabella fell asleep in her high chair after eating her mashed potatoes
Bella hanging out with Abby and Maddy. By the way, that is cupcake on Maddy's face. Also this is the first time Bella has had a pacifier in ages. She loves it. She does not suck on it, she just chews on it!! We gave it to her because she kept chewing on her fingers.
4 Month Belly pic.
Abby and Maddy after Abby's Christmas program.

It has been CRAZY busy around here. I am working on getting everything ready for Bella's birthday party on Friday night. Then we are going up to KC on Saturday to deliver gifts to the PICU with Gifts of Gabi's Grace. By the way, thank you sooooo much to everyone who donated.
I go back to the Dr. on the 30th. We will then schedule my sono. I am guessing it will be the first week of January. I have dreamt for the last 4 nights that we are having a boy!!
Isabella has been working on recognizing body parts. We are working on nose, hair and mouth. She is trying really hard and when she gets it, she is so cute. She grins from ear to ear, like hey look at me!! We are still trucking right along with being off the vent. She has been ornery with her trach lately. She likes to pull on it so she can talk, well sometimes she pulls too hard and ends of pulling her entire trach out!! She has decanulated herself twice in the last week. She also loves to the take out her feeding tube and let her feeding run all over the place. She thinks it is so funny when you say "No, No Bella".
Matt continues to avoid the layoff!! I am so thankful. So other than being super busy (like all people this time of year) we are all doing great.
I would like to leave you with two videos that the girls prepared especially for all of our blogger viewers. MERRY CHRISTMAS and GOD BLESS!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008