Proof that miracles happen

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Picture Fun

Madison giving her chicken a ride on her tricycle
Heading out for another day of preschool

Bella with CCVI (the team that helps with her visual impairment)

I would like to ask for prayers for Bella. She has not been feeling that great. It is nothing serious. She is however cutting 6 molars!! She is suffering from allergies like the rest of us. So in turn all of this makes her throw up....A LOT. She gets gagged on all of the extra secretions. She has been fussy and just not feeling great. Other than that, things are great here. Isabella saw CCVI yesterday (they come to the house once a month) and they brought her that mirror with the beads you see above. When she hits it, it vibrates and plays music. She really likes it a lot. Also you can see above how she is starting to really bring her hands together at midline. So all in all, we are making little baby steps in the right direction!!
Abby and Maddy are loving school. Abby had her first spelling test yesterday and she got a 100%!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day of School and Remembering Angel Gabi

Madison and Sione at preschool
I think she was blinking from the flash, but I was trying to get a pic of her piggies

Abby was so nervous this morning
Ready to go
Madison being really excited

Today we remember sweet, little Gabi Acker. Gabi touched our lives and will forever be in our hearts. Madison and Bella sported piggies today in honor of Gabi.

Abby started the first grade today and Madison started preschool. I think they both really enjoyed it. They said Madison cried a little bit because she missed her mommy. :( Isabella got to go with us to take both girls to school today. It was very quiet at my house today!! There are usually 6 kids and now we are down to 1. I think I could get used to my house being quiet once in awhile!!
Bella continues to do great. She is improving in strength everyday. I think she will be sitting on her own very soon. She tries so hard. I am very proud of how determined she is!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Today we went to KC to see Dr. Gratny (Isabella's vent Dr.) She had a really good check up. Dr. Gratny was again completely amazed at how well Isabella is doing and how far she has come. She said she could really tell that Isabella can see. She was just overall impressed. So impressed that we don't have to go back until October 1st!!
Not much exciting has been going on here. We are still going to therapy once a week. We are working on the new addition for our house. Isabella continues to grow and get stronger. She is so sweet and is always full of smiles and giggles.
My babies start school next Wednesday. Madison will be going to preschool three hours a day and Abby will start the first grade. So we have been doing a lot of shopping for school supplies and school clothes. The girls are excited.
Sorry for such a delay in posting. I just really have not felt like blogging lately. But I am now our of my rut and I am ready to start blogging again and posting pictures!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

County Fair

We took Abby and Maddy to the Labette County Fair today (which is literally three blocks from our house). We walked around and saw all of the animals. The girls loved the pigs and horses. Then we bought 4 corn dogs and 2 drinks for a grand total of $19.00!!!! Yikes, Fair food is expensive.
On another note, a year ago today is when Isabella coded in the PICU. They did chest compressions and she snapped right out of it. It is hard to believe a year has passed since then. I thank God everyday for how far she has come. Physical therapy thinks there is a good chance she will be sitting independently in the next 3 or 4 months. I have noticed over the last few weeks that her vision seems to be improving more and more. She just acts like she can really see a lot better. I don't know how to explain it, I can just tell she is seeing something.