Proof that miracles happen

Monday, April 27, 2009

Misc. Updates

Last week we took Bella to KC for her regular appointment. While there, we also saw the neurologist. It appears that she is having seizures. They dx her with partial seizures and have started her on seizure meds. They did not seem too concerned. She does not loose consciousness when having the seizures and she does not stop breathing. She will have an EEG in June. She is also scheduled to have a brochioscope in June. She will have to have anaesthesia for this. Which means, she will have to stay one night in the PICU. The EEG is scheduled for June 15th and the Bronch is on June 16th. After neurology, we saw Dr. Gratny. She wants Bella to work on being off the vent for 11 hours a day!! She changed some medications to help dry up her secretions. With less sinus drainage, she should be able to wean a lot quicker.
Matt has been back to work for two full weeks now. We are so thankful for that. I was starting to get a little worried that they were never going to call him back.
Abby has started her T-ball season and both girls are getting very anxious about getting out of school and starting summer vacation. Maddy will be 4 on Friday. I can't believe it. Then Abby will be 7 on the 13th. I am having a party for them this weekend. I thought I better hurry up and squeeze a party in before the baby gets here.
As for the baby, I am SO READY!!!! I am miserable. The baby has dropped a bunch and I seriously can barely walk. It hurts so bad. I think it is because it is my 4th baby and those pelvic muscles just are not what they used to be :) My Dr. did say that he thought the baby was pretty big.
As for the new addition, it has been really nice to be a little more spread out. We still have a little detail work to do, but all in all it is done and we are moved in.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!!!

Bella and Abby going down the slide at the park. I think the sun was in her eyes.
Maddy hiding from her Mommy


The girls helping me plant flowers

Madison made a dress out of bubble wrap.

Bella doesn't even realize that the Easter Bunny came for a visit

Maddy and her basket. She drew cat whiskers all over face.

Abby and her Easter Basket

This was last week. Believe it or not, I am bigger than this now!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Getting Closer!!

We are getting closer to having the new addition done and we are getting closer to welcoming the new baby! I am getting really excited about the baby coming soon. 6 1/2 weeks until my due date :)The paint is on the walls and the carpet is down. Now all we need is trim and a few other details and we will be done!!

This is the hallway and it is a yellow color, but trust me, it is not THAT yellow!!! The room at the end is the safe room.

Maddy and Abby with their snowman. They were so proud.

My niece Sarah turned 8. I can't believe how fast these kids are growing up.