Proof that miracles happen

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Any Time

I just got back from the Dr. I am dilated to a 2. He said go home, eat a snack and take a nap. He thought I would go at any time. Will it be today?? I am having contractions. They do seem to be getting stronger and closer together. If for some reason my labor is stalled and I don't progress on my own, he will induce me next Thursday. So at the very most I only have to wait 7 more days. So I am going to lay down and try to rest a little. I will keep everyone posted and let you know if we head to the hospital in a little bit!!!

1 comment:

Boeckman mommy said...

oh the excitment. I hope it is sooner than later for your sake. Walk a little and you know a little hanky panky always got things going for me. However, I was dilated to a 4 for 4 weeks, so I hope the Dr didn't get your hopes up because of that. Keep us posted, we are so excited to meet her.