Proof that miracles happen

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Head Growth=Brain Growth

Yesterday, Isabella had her regular monthly appointment in Kansas City. We went over to Crown Center for lunch and ate with Micah, Gracie and sweet, little Kinsley. I got in as much snuggle time with Kinsley as I could before we had to head over to the hospital for our appointment. We actually saw Dr. Gratny this time. We have not gotten to see her since we came home from our second open heart. Let me tell you, Dr. Gratny was more than pleased with Isabella's progress. She just could not say enough good things about how Isabella is doing. Her head has grown quite a bit since her last visit. This is REALLY good news because since she suffered her brain injury, she has not had much head growth which means not much brain growth. She was also very pleased with her quickness at reaching some milestones over the last few months. She said her muscles have good tone which is something that indicates her brain is healing. Typically with brain injury, they are very rigid and sometimes even with meds it does not help. She got to watch as I picked up Isabella and Isabella turned into me and snuggled. She said that was a good sign. She said to be honest, she really was starting to worry that Isabella was not going to progress and that she was never going to have REAL purposeful interaction. She is now convinced that Isabella has the potential to keep moving forward. She said we were going a great job and to just keep doing what we are doing. They lowered her breathing rate down to 10 on her vent. She is now on the lowest settings. We are to be taking her off the vent several times a day and we are to try and keep her off as long as she can tolerate. So we are officially in the weaning process. She is doing so good that she does not have to go back for 6 weeks. So we will go back up right after the 4th of July and we will see Dr. Gratny and she will also go and get her eyes checked to see if she can "see" well enough for glasses. It depends on how much her cortical vision has healed. She needs glasses, but if her brain can't process an image then glasses are pointless. So we will see. I personally think her sight is getting better with each passing day. She is actually starting to respond to visual threat and she seems to focus better. So anyways, we will continue therapy weekly and she will go to see her cardiologist in Joplin next month for a follow-up echo. So good news all around. All I can really say is Praise God!!!


mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

Sounds like a great appt. day!!!!

BeckyRN said...

Megan, I'm so sorry I didn't get you called back. I was going to try to come meet you guys at 12 before I met up with my friend Nikki, but I didn't get out of St. Joe untill late-then I didn't want to call and interrupt you visit. Like I said so sorry I really wanted to see you you can beat me up next time you see me. So until then give Bella big kisses from me, and tell her I didn't mean to stand her up. Love you guys.

Sarah Freund said...

I'm so happy to hear such wonderful news. I've thought about Bella alot lately and miss you guys. She is such an inspiration to us all.

Much love,

Anonymous said...

That is great news Megan. I am so happy for you all. God is great and his great plans for Isabella. Love ya.

Angela said...

Bella looks fantastic! So does your addition. It looks like you all are doing great!

It's interesting how we all have our own symptoms. Hannah's head growth was a warning signal: potential hydrocephalus (which I still think the absence of hydrocephalus is purely a miracle). I'm glad for Bella's head growth and pray that Hannah DOESN'T have it.

Love to you all!

Anonymous said...

PTL!!!! Love hearing great reports and seeing her beautiful face. Kiss the girls for me...Love you!!!

adrianna york said...

That is wonderful I am gald everything is going good with you Isabella. Well I will talk to you soon.
Love you all from Adrianna and her mommy Kim

The Diva said...

That's great news all around! How exciting!

Angel Gabi's Mommy said...

I am so glad the appointment went so well. Isn't it incredible to see such optimisim from doc's who never thought she progress as she is!
I am soooooo glad we were able to visit and grab a bite to eat. Kinsley was so happy to finally meet you:) We sure have been blessed with some special girls! Thank you again for the wonderful basket of goodies. The seahorse goes everywhere with us. She loves the light, she just stares so intently into the belly:)

Can't wait to see you again!

Love you tons and miss you already!

The Bryant Family said...

I have been on vacation and havent caught up on everything yet. Glad to hear the appointment went so very well. I am glad therapy is every week, that will make big improvements. She looks great, her hair is growing so!