Proof that miracles happen

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So we just found out that Matt will be laid off after this week. We are completely clueless as to how long this layoff will last. It all depends on Obama's plan and the economy. All I can say is that I am thankful he was able to hang on as long as he has. Some of the guys that work there have been out of a job since Oct or Nov. Also for every week he has been able to hang on, the more he will get with unemployment. Another good point, he will have lots more time to finish the new addition in time for the baby to get here. Oh, and we get to keep our insurance. So I am not going to freak out yet. I am just going to take this time with my husband and kids as a time to grow and love!!


amy said...

your outlook is amazing. :) my mom always says if you can't change your situation you have to change your attitude and you reflect that. good luck!

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

I am glad that everything looked great in your sono and just think you "might" get that boy, although girls are awesome too. I am sure you are like me and just happy to hear that whatever boy or girl, they are healthy!!!

Lay offs are so scary. We are actually going through that at work right now too. I haven't heard anything about my position but I think I will begin looking for a new job just in case. I hope I can have such a positive attitude when if it comes to that. I am thinking of you guys and hope that everything turns out for the best.

The Bryant Family said...

Man, I agree with amy, your outlook is amazing. My mom and my sister got laid off and I am scared to death. The world is in a place that scares me....i can definatley learn from you. Hang in there.
I am glad all is well with the baby. I may not comment all the time but I do lurk and check in. :)

Rachel Dominguez said...

I am happy to hear that the sono was good. I still believe it is a boy and will believe that till HE shows his appearance.

I'm very sorry to hear that Matt got laid off. That is so scary, especially during this time in our economy downfall.

I will pray NON Stop that he finds work soon.

Kisses to the girls!


Boeckman mommy said...

That stinks for Matt to be laid off, but I agree with you. All things happen for a reason. This will give you all a little time together to get things done and ready before the routine changes again. Hopefully after that it will be back to "Normal" the new normal.

I hope he gets to spend lots of time with you girls while he is off, and gets called back to work soon.

Thinking of you and prayers as always.

adrianna york said...

I am so very sorry that Matt got laid off I wish you all the best. I hope everything works out with the new baby coming everyone looks good. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
From Kim

Angel Gabi's Mommy said...

Thinking of you guys always...lots of prayers! Be strong and you WILL get through the rough times!

Love you!

Pam said...

I think of you guys often. I hope things are going well for you.
