Proof that miracles happen

Monday, February 16, 2009

Lots of Nothing

Mostly over the last week, we have been dealing with sick kids. Abby and Maddy have both been sick. Abby was sick all weekend and is still sick today. We are getting ready to go to the Dr. She has a massive ear infection. Knock on wood, Bella has not been sick. In fact she is doing fabulous. She is happy, active and impressing me everyday.
Matt's still on layoff but the new addition is coming along.
Sorry for no pics lately, but I have just not been that camera happy. I just feel blah all of the time. I still have 13 1/2 weeks left and I am already miserable. It feels like my pelvic bones are being stretched apart and I can hardly lift my legs to get my pants on. I really don't know why I am so sore. You can now see the baby kicking and punching from the outside. I think it is so fun to try and figure out which part is sticking out!!
Okay, so I am going to go get my camera right now and snap some photos!!


Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

I mean this in the nicest way ever, but I swear you should have had that baby already! lol! When I saw your update today I was excited to come over and read. And then I saw 13.5 weeks left. lol, Really, that much longer?

Anyways, I am sorry to see Hubby is still on layoff, but hey, the addition is important too.

I hope feel better soon and the aches go away. And I hope the girls are feeling better extra fast!

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

I so understand how you are feeling. I started feeling that pain in the pelvic area "too soon" as well. Hey, maybe you'll have an 11 pound baby!!! You have said that you started showing really early, right?

I am glad that your addition is coming along. I bet you are really excited to get it finished!!! I hope the layoff doesn't last too long.

Angel Gabi's Mommy said...

Glad to finally get an update slacker...hahaha! Usually I am the slacker but for some reason I have been into it a bit more. Oh I CANNOT wait to see you next time you're here. I wanna feel that baby girl:) Got any names yet, or is it a big surprise to you and all of us?
I pray that you find some comfort, you still have a ways to go...sorry to be the reality check. I am in one of those moods. It has been one of those nights...UGH!!!!

I love you and miss you tons!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Abby and Maddy have been sick. So glad Bella is feeling great! One day at a time, Megan. You're going to make it!

Think about all of you, plus Erin & kids and Mom & Dad, etc. Miss you ALL and praying the Lord is helping in every way, every day. I'm a slacker in communicating, but we do check your blog every day for new info and pictures!

Aunt Judy

Angela said...

Hey hey. I'm sorry your kids have been sick, sorry Matt's laid off, though his circumstances sound good--relatively. Once your addition is finished I know a certain someone who has an unfinished addition too. :) Tell everyone hello.