Proof that miracles happen

Monday, September 22, 2008


Just was my title says, I am extremely irritated right now!!! I will start with the first thing. Some people have said some things about Matt and I having another baby that have hurt my feelings a bit. I know that what they are saying is just our of concern for us because they care, but let me inform everyone of a few facts. The chances of Matt and I having another heart baby are VERY VERY VERY slim. We are excited about the baby. Yes, we are concerned to a certain degree, but we are not overly concerned. The entire time I was pregnant with Bella I felt like something was just not right. With this baby however, I feel nothing but peace. So please, I know some of you are concerned, but Matt and I are happy about this, please do not try to kill our joy with negative thoughts. We will cross all bridges as they come with the help of the Lord.
Okay, so enough with that. The second thing. Isabella's Birth to Three Program is trying to get her some assisted technology stuff like toys, kid cart, ect. Anyways, we got a form in the mail yesterday with all of her info on it and all of her diagnoses. We were suppose to look at the information and correct any mistakes. On the form (brace yourself for this) they checked that Isabella was Mentally Retarded-level-Profound!!!!!!! Excuse me????? Yes I realize my child has some level of mental disability. What that level is, we do not know at this time. Her brain injury is still continuing to heal. She has not peaked, she continues to improve everyday and figures more and more out everyday. I am so infuriated that someone would try to put that label on my child. It is no where in her medical record that she even has this diagnosis. Just this weekend, she started trying to crawl. She rolls over and gets her knees up and she even holds her head up while on her tummy. She is just about to get herself into the "rocking" position (you know how they do before they crawl). She cries when she is bored. She cries when she wants her mommy. She babbles all of the time around her trach. When I go to pick her up, I say "Up Isabella" and she raises her arms and pulls her shoulders forward because she knows I am going to pick her up. She scoots down to the bottom of her crib and kicks at her CD player until she gets it to turn on. She doesn't look blank. She is aware of her surroundings. Can anyone else feel my frustration here??? Okay, I am done venting. I know who my child is, and that is all that matters. By the way, Matt took a pen and crossed out that part of the form. He then sent it back as a revised edition!!
Isabella had an echo on Friday and as I suspected, everything looked great. We don't see cardiology again for three months.
I think I may be further along that I thought, because I am already starting to show. I think a lot of it is because this is my fourth baby and my stomach muscles are shot. I already had to drag out my maternity clothes!! I have never been wrong about the sex of my babies, and this time I am just certain it is a boy. So I guess we will know come about December when we get a sono. The morning sickness has already set in and I am sooooooo tired. Otherwise everything is great. Couldn't be happier!!
I will post some pics later. Sorry I have really been slacking!!


Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

No worries girl! It doesn't matter what ANYONE else thinks about this baby. Try not to let it get to you.

I had so many people cringe at the though of my girls being 21 months apart! Even the nurse during my doc visits would tell me that my kids were too close together! Hmm, she was so wrong!

This baby is such a blessing and I am so excited to follow along! I am so happy for you!

Lillian'sheart said...

Congratulations! I am thrilled for you. I bet your baby is just fine, and even IF something weren't right... you are an amazing mommy and there's no better person to handle it than you! Who cares what your baby is like, its your baby and you love them all the same! People who have never parented a special needs child just don't understand!

Isabella is very smart and will only continue to improve. She sounds to me like she is doing wonderfully!

Anonymous said...

I just now got on to read the last two blogs, and was surprised! Will be praying for you and the Baby, and wishing you and Matt all the Best! The Lord knows all you're feeling and everything else. Just keep hanging on to Him!
Aunt Judy

BeckyRN said...

So happy to hear that miss Bella continues to keep rave reports! As for the mental retardation business, you can just tell them to keep their negativity to themselves, and they can go hang out with dr...(you know who) b/c we know Bella much better than they do. I have no doubts that she is improving day by day, and good for Matt for crossing it out. And oh I hope you do have a boy! That would be very will just have to come up with a cute boy, name b/c your girls names are so cute, and fit so well together. anyways, I miss you guys, give Bella kisses and hugs for me and do you best to brush negative comments aside.

REJunod said...

God is soo good!!! He is still in the miracle performing business!! So glad for the amazing progress Bella is making (BTW, my mom misses working with her!!) Many congrats on the next baby!! Keep your hand in God's hand, and He will give you whatever strength you need as you need it. There's no sence worrying over anything. People need to just mind their own business. God is in control, and He will not put anymore on you than what you can handle. Just continue to trust Him for everything and it will all work out for the best!!! Hang in there, and God bless you, for you are richer and stronger because of your trials, and blessed so much with your children.


Unknown said...

i was at work when i got matts text . it said bella is going to be a big sister. i called him and told him not more than 30 minutes before that i was thinkin how nice it would be if i got a call from you guys saying you were pregnant. now doesnt god answer prayers fast!!!!i started screaming im gonna be a gramma again!!! everyone thought i had list my mind. i dont care what they think. i just know this baby is very much wanted by all and we love the other 3 just as much. you show them bella, you are going to be fine sweet baby. love grandma gudde

Angela said...

OK, I go out of town for one little weekend and come back to find out I am SO FAR BEHIND! Congratulations on your pregnancy! Every baby is a gift. Every. Single. One.

Sunday's first Mass reading included Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts; nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways above your ways and my thoughts above your thoughts.

He has a plan. It's always a good one.

Anonymous said...

I hope you know by now, we are THRILLED about this new baby business! I can hardly wait until the day I can say I have a nephew! I read Angelas words and cried. HOW TRUE! I did hear one comment (i'll tell you later) when I tried to BRAG about our family expanding. I just told the person what you said about the odds. Some people just worry, you know? But not us, we know how strong you and my brother are. I could never doubt your abilities, because you both are AMAZING! And thanks for my three perfect neices. They make me happy!

Aunt Stephanie

Becca said...

Congratulations!!! This is wonderful news!

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

I think you are having a boy too!!! Any food that you are craving??? For some reason I have decided that I think I can tell by what we eat when we are pregnant...ok so I am a little crazy and don't forget hormonal (I don't know if that is a word, but if it is not it should be)!!!! Well, I am excited to see pictures of you when you start really showing...and you keep on showing them Bella!!!

Caden said...

No one should put a label on Isabella, and good for you for changing it!

About having another baby... I understand completely. We thought long and hard before we atarted trying, and that's the decision that we made. When I first started telling people, they would give me a half smile, stare at my stomach, and look at Caden with this pity look. That REALLY made me mad. But it's the people that didn't know us very well, the people that are friends of our parents, or aquantances that knew "just enough" about Caden that thought that way. What made me the most upset was what they were probably saying behind our backs. Forget about it, everything's fine and things are getting better everyday!


Angel Gabi's Mommy said...

Labels are for packages of food not our children! I am so sorry that this is how some refer to our precious babies. Just know this, it is out of pure ignorance. They are the onesith the lack of intelligence. Do not let anyone let you think this is not right, or this baby will have developmental problems.
We were chosen because God knew it took special parents to care for such children. He did not chose those with ignorance in their mind. We have been blessed and that is why we want to celebrate and give them more brothers and sisters to play with:) We want to share them with the world!

I love you. I am soooooo excited for you guys! Obviously you will keep me posted, but I want LOTS of pics!

Angel Gabi's Mommy said...

One more thing, how can something like this be wrong when every part of you feels so right???

adrianna york said...

Megan it dose not matter if you are going to have another baby it is your right to have as many children as you want and God loves you and your children they hold a wonderful part in your life and Mats I am so happy for you and I am so glad that Isabella is doing wonderful if you every need me just let me know I am only a phone call away.
I love you all and I wish you the best of luck with the new baby and all.
Love you all my friend from Kim and Adrianna

Rachel Dominguez said...

Girl....DONT YOU FRET over what idiototic (sp?) people say. Until they are in your shoes....they have NO CLUE. Can you tell I too am frusterated with the responses?

You have 3 perfect little girls!!!! No matter what has happened with Isabella's heart, that does not make her any different. She is your baby girl and she is strong!

I have no doubt in my mind that this new bundle of joy will be just as perfect as the other 3 you should only see it that way.

I also think IT'S A BOY! I had 3 boys and then a girl. Your chances of a different gender are much higher on the 4th if the other 3 are same sex. So get those boys names coming.

You are a terrific mother and anyone can see that! Keep up the good work and please congradulate Matt too for me.


Lil' This...Lil' That... said...

I just love those people who think they know better then the good Lord! Obviously God knew you and Matt could handle another blessing from above, even with lil' Isabella and her two fun-loving and energetic sisters! :)

Keep your head up girlfriend! Life is too short to let "others" get in the way of your happiness! Check out the verses below...

Psalm 118:6 "The Lord is for me; I will not fear. What can man do to me?"

Psalm 31:24 "Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who hope in the Lord."

Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

Go eat ya a big ole hot fudge sundae and prop your feet up! You deserve it! PS

Pam said...

I usually don't comment on your blog but do read up on your sweetie all the time. I also have a little one 3 1/2 years with Digeorge. I also have a son who is 29 and developmentally disabled. I learned a long time ago that a title such a Profoundly MR or Learning Disabled really doesn't matter. We know our kids. What it does do sometimes is give our kids the service that will help the out. My son has an IQ of 64. That qualifies him for SSI and other forms of help. But he has a job that he works 20 hours a week, he drives a golf cart around and a big 72" lawn mower. He functions so much higher than his IQ says that he should. But because of this DX he has always had great services. Mommies see things in thier little ones that the "professional" don't see. We know them best, don't we?
Keep on showing "them" what you are made out of Isabella. And God says "Blessed are those whos quiver is full of children"! Glad you are both so happy about your new little one. Praying only good things for you all.
Pam and Madison