Proof that miracles happen

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Update on Santa's little helpers

Well Micah has been shopping in Indiana and I have been shopping here. I have to say I think she got the better end of the shopping deal!! We have bought all of the stockings and lots of board books and puzzle books thus far. Micah has purchased quite a bit also. She is also working on lots of crafts. So things are moving right along for a December 8th delivery. We are so excited about this. I can't wait to do this for all of those kids. I know it could be us there in the PICU over the holidays and I am thankful it is not us. I want to explain why we formed Miracles Happen Ministries. So many times they told us they did not know if Isabella was going to live or at that be able to function at all. Well through the entire year, Matt and I have stayed positive and for the most part we have kept peace about what Isabella's future would hold. When I was pregnant with Bella, we did not know that she had a heart defect. But mothers instinct, I knew deep down that something was wrong with my baby. When she was born she was so tiny and fragile looking. She scared me!! I fell asleep one night with her on my chest when she was about 1 week old and she got her head turned down to were her mouth and nose were face down on my chest. In my sleep I remember someone whispering my name. I opened my eyes and realized Isabella was face down. Thank God for who ever or whatever woke me up. She could have suffocated!! Then at three weeks of age she was diagnosed with Truncus Arteriosus. Then as you all know she had heart surgery in February and then Matt and I both thought that would be it for awhile. Well obviously it was not. She flew out 4 times and stayed in the PICU for over 150 days. There were times that my peace was rocked and I mean big time. I lost faith a time or two. But not ever for very long. I guess just like I knew when I was pregnant that something was wrong, I know now that she is going to be okay. I knew God was going to work this out for his Glory. And yes I still know he could and still can take her from me at any time. But I want to minister through her and tell her story and reach out to others. I am trying to find my way right now and it is very hard. I pray everyday for God to give me the strength to do this foundation and keep a positive word for others. I feel so stongly about this ministry that I can't explain. If I have to find good in Isabella's sickness and what she has been through, this is it. She has made a difference in lives and I am her advocate. I will minister for her and keep her story going as long as I feel led. We will try to reach out and help as many families as we can in the process. Okay I was not really planning on sharing all of that, but I am having one of those days. So I just want the wonderful people who have been with us to know. You all know who you are. You have provided love, prayers, contributions, time and talent. You all are just as much a part of this ministry as anyone else. I could not do it without the love and support of all of you. I have let many times several people steal my joy about this because they do not feel as strongly about it as I do. My mom says that is what happens whey you do a ministry. Feelings may get hurt and it is not easy. I just care so much about Isabella and this ministry, but I know I must accept that not everyone wants to be a part of this. And you know what I think that is okay with me. I can't let anything get me down. I am a girl on a mission!! As my sister would say "On a mission from God" (Yeah she is nuts but I love her)
And I love all of you. May God Bless you all. And in case I don't get to say it before Thursday, have a happy Thanksgiving!!


mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

I think what you, Micah and your families are doing is absolutely wonderful. You guys should be so proud of yourselves. I have to admit, I have had lots of ideas on how I should help others after experiencing life with Kaden, but never acted out on them. It is easy to get lost in it all, and you two have found your way!!! I want you to know that I sent out an e-mail to my friends and family to help you guys with donations. My parents, grandmother and the three of us plan on sending money to Micah within the next couple of days...I hope it helps you all out. The children and their families will be so grateful for all of the hard work and thought you guys have put into this project. Bella and your family as always are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and please let me know if I can help you guys in anyway. Amy

Angel Gabi's Mommy said...

Oh Megan, I totally agree and understand. It is God who gave us these amazing children and it is God who knew we would be best for our little ones. I wish everyone would respond the way we want, but as you said that is not what we should expect. And I still have many many frustrations, but that is what keeps me plugging away at my little crafty projects. Even if it is not as big as we want, it will still be amazing and it is something we will learn from and next year we will have a better idea of how to do it even bigger:)

I made the first step in the design of my shadow box for the hospital...I put solid hot pink with black pokadots in for the background. I plan on making this amazing and everything about it will represent my angel!

Missing you always!!!
Happy Turkey Day...gobble gobble!!!

Anonymous said...

Megan, I just now got the opportunity to read your blog. All that you spoke from your heart is ALRIGHT, YES, AMEN!

I want to encourage you, don't wear yourself out, but just continue to do the things God leads you to do. HE will make the way. His way is PERFECT everytime!

Love you!
Aunt Judy