Proof that miracles happen

Friday, August 24, 2007

A baby on Viagra????

Yes they really put Bella on Viagra. She needs something to relax her pulmonary vessels and help her lungs which in turn will help her heart function. They said if this works, then her valves will be less leaky. So lets pray that this works. I have a really good feeling about this.
Also the visually impaired people came by today. They showed Matt and I ways to help stimulate Bella's vision. She focused on a balloon today and on a red ring in front of a blue background. They told us to start simple with contrasting colors. She seems to beable to see at least a little bit. YEAH. She looks fabulous today. Dr. Doom and Gloom Klem came in today. He just seems so negative to me. I know we are not sure about her outcome but come on now lets focus on getting better instead of what COULD happen for her to get worse. Matt and I are fully aware of how this could all turn out, but if we dwell on that side of it all the time, we would loose our sanity. He goes off service after the weekend and we get a new dr. I just want her to be surrounded by happy positive people. So Bella and I have been spending the day just rocking and cuddeling. Keep praying. I really hope the viagra is the missing link to her recovery.
As Always lots of love!!!!

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