Proof that miracles happen

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The world is praying!!!

We received a card today to let us know that Isabella is being prayed for by people all over the world. It is a card that says she has been enrolled in the Claretian Perpetual Mass League which means her name will be recorded in Rome by our Father Superior and perpetually remembered by the Claretians in Masses said through out the world including those at the National Shrine of Saint Jude. Now that is awesome. I believe in the power of prayer and that if it is in the Lord's will, she will be healed. Thank you to all and continue to pray for our precious baby girl. I believe God has great things planned for her.
Lots of Love to you all
Meg, Matt and Bella

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we are praying for you and Isabella because I`am greatanut of a little gril that have 5-12 week to live and have not seen her and I can feil for you she have caner and it have got to her brain and going down her spine she about 19 mon I no that God has her in his hands,God got Isabella in his hands too LOVE IS WITH YOU ALL