Proof that miracles happen

Friday, August 31, 2007

With God all things are possible

How true!!! With God all things are possible. Yesterday our chaplain said we do not walk by sight but we walk by faith. That is how we are walking now. Matt and I are holding on as tight as we can to the faith we have. I have always had peace about Isabella and that peace I will continue to have.
The doctors have decided to leave her on the Viagra. Even though it is not changing the echo results, they have now decided that she seems to be getting better. It could be because of the Viagra that she is getting better, so lets not rock the boat. They are sending the Rehab people by next week to assess her and see what her possible max potential will be. I am just going to try to walk away with the information we need to help her rehabilitate.
Her occupational therapist came by today and was so impressed with the way her muscle tone is. She was so rigid for so long that they didn't know if she was every going to be able to do anything. Well, praise God she is now relaxed and doing great. They quite using those silly hand splints that she hates. Matt and I put them on her hospital bear. So now he is sporting those hot pink hand splints. He doesn't complain as much about them as Bella did.
So, she is doing great today. No real changes in her plan of care. We are working towards getting a go home date. She is snoozing away right now.


Little Smiths said...

I miss you guys- give Bella a kiss for me- I'll see you on Tuesday!!!

Spring said...

Hi Megan. This is your old roommate Spring. My mom told me about Isabella and showed me the newspaper article. My husband and I live in KC in Overland Park. If you need anything please call us. 913.851.8948 or email me at We're praying for sweet little Isabella. I'll keep checking the blog. Love, Spring Simpson

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

Hi, I found your blog through Gabi's blog site. We also met Micah and Jason while in the hospital with our son. Your angel is so precious. She seems like one tough cookie. Our son Kaden also has a trach and is on the vent. A lot of the things I read about your little Bella reminds me of when Kaden was in the hospital. It is amazing how strong these babies are. I agree with you, Bella is definately a miracle. I pray that you all will be going home soon, there is no better place to be. If you want to talk about anything you can visit Kaden's blog at and leave your e-mail or something!!! Take care and you all will continue to be in my prayers. Amy