Proof that miracles happen

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

On the Growth Curve

For the first time ever, Isabella is on the growth curve. She has always been way below the curve and now she is in the 50th percentile. She is very alert today. I swear she was looking at me today and that she could actually see me. She stayed focused on my face for several seconds. So keep up the prayers. I really think they are working!!!! No new changes in rounds today. She is back on her home vent and doing very well with it. We are hoping to be able to come home soon. She has to stay stable for a long period of time before they will even think about letting us go home. Matt and I are going to come home today to see Abby and Madison. I hate leaving Isabella but she has lots of people here at the hospital who also love her. I think she is a bit of the PICU princess here. The nurses are all wonderful and they all love her very much.
Keep up the Prayers
Megan, Matt and Bella


Unknown said...

Megan, Matt, Abbey, Maddy, and Bella
We love you all very much!! Let us know if there is anything you need from us. God is with all of you and the thoughts and prayers from such a large group who loves you all very much should be enough to make God realize we need this little angel. I know you have all been through so much, a lot we will never understand, but remember we will ALWAYS LOVE YOU!!!!

The Diva said...

This is such a cute little page! I glad to hear that things are getting better. She's going to look the Michelin man if she gains it too fast! That would be great though, and cute too! Please tell the other family that we are thinking about and praying for them.

Unknown said...

Megan, Matt, Izzy, Abby, and Maddy. I miss you all so much. I was on my way to work this am and heard the song that to me explains what the Lord is doing through Izzy. The artist is Natalie Grant and the song is "Held." The hope that Izzy has is so much. I truly believe the Lord is holding our angel Izzy's hand, but also holding you all up. I hope you all enjoy this song as much as I have!!! Lots of Hugs and Kisses!!!

Unknown said...
Here is the link to listen and see the video.
Lots of Love XOXO

Mee Mee Best said...

Meg and Matt, our prayers are with you. Just hold onto your faith in God.
Mee Mee