Proof that miracles happen

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Little Baby Drool

Today has been a great day. Isabella is showing improvement with each passing day. She was really focusing on me today and then she reached up and touched my face. I still have not gotten any smiles out of her yet but she had that twinkle in her eyes today like she could smile at any time. I miss that beautiful smile of hers and I hope and pray it is only a matter of time that she smiles again. She is so slobbery today. She is cutting teeth and she is flips out if her pacifier is not in her mouth at all times. She just chews and chews on it. Her daddy nicknamed her "Drool" Well I think I told everyone that I throught her hair was turning blonde again, but I was wrong it is RED today. So I do really think she is going to be a little red head.
Today Matt and I went to the celebration of Life for little Gabi Acker. We would like to ask everyone to keep praying for Micah and Jason because they need it. Also, if you want to see Gabi's blogspot, there is a link under Bella's Link. It is important to Jason and Micah that Gabi is never forgotten.
We have met a new Truncus Family here. They are really sweet people and they have a two month old baby girl named Lucy. She had her first Truncus Repair on Thursday. She is doing well but keep her in your prayers also.
Gotta get back to little baby "Drool" We have spent most of the day just cuddeling!!!
Lots of Love as Always


MargoRN said...

I am so happy to see Bella doing so well! Of course, I have to go check on her every night I work. You guys are always in my prayers. Bella is so lucky to have great parents like you guys. Keep hanging in there.

Margo (PICU RN)

RUSTY said...

just wanted to let you both know im thinking of you both ill look in on kiddo here and there