Proof that miracles happen

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

She giggles

Isabella is quite the little giggle box now. She has been giggling at everything today. We went from no smiles to a few smiles to now all out giggling. You talk to her she giggles. You make funny noises at her, she giggles!! And she smiles all of the time. My cheeks hurt from smiling back at her so much. I just can't believe the transformation in her. Literally overnight she has come leaps and bounds. It seems like over the last few weeks, she has just started transforming. I knew it was going to come and I waited. So now here we are. I think I can safely say she is back to what she was in July (before the brain damage). She is smiling all of the time and sooo interactive with us.
She still has some trouble using her hands, but she is getting the hang of that too. She can hold onto small things that her fingers will wrap around. She will reach for things but is not able to control her arms that well. Her feet and legs however are a different story. She will reach for her mobile with her feet. She raises them in the air so she can kick it. She kicks her kick-n-play all of the time. So I am going to work on getting some video tomorrow of her doing all of her new really awesome stuff. You can't hear her laugh because she doesn't make that much noise over the trach, but you can see it and feel her laughing. It is just really way too cute.
Oh and we are also working on sign language. I am going to try to teach her. The only word I have worked on is mommy. She doesn't obviously respond to it, but she does look at me while I am doing it, so hopefully she will get the hang of it.
Also one last thing she did was I helped her to a sitting position the other day, and she sat unassisted for 45 seconds!! She is getting stronger everyday and fatter. She is almost 19 lbs. They had to decrease her calorie intake (I think I already mentioned that) So don't mistake the puffy cheeks in her pics for heart failure puffiness, it is actually just chub. She has not had any edema in months and months. She doesn't turn blue anymore and she doesn't mottle on her legs anymore. Oh and most important, her murmur is so quite that you have to really listen to even hear it.
Okay I just deleted something on here that I put last night. It was my two cents on something someone said about Isabella. Some of you probably read it. Otherwise for those who have not read it yet, I am sorry but you won't get a chance. I slept on it and got up this a.m. and realized it was a little harsh so I took it off. I just need to realize, that not all people see Bella the way the rest of us do. All of the love and support I have gotten from my comments and from some of you in person is all I need. Thats all Bella needs is positive people. We all have hope!!
With much love


Anonymous said...

Those "nay-sayers" suck don't they.? Bella will prove them all wrong Megan and you never know she may even surprise you with her intellect and developement. :-) I'm glad that you and your family won't let any one shatter your faith. She's a vessel that God is going to use in big ways (your whole family really)! We love and miss you guys so much and can't wait to see you again...hopefully after christmas and things settle down. Give hugs to all...I would say kisses but we are sick so hugs for you!

Anonymous said...

oh wait.....HORRAY FOR THE GIGGLES!!!! Thank you Jesus!!

Angel Gabi's Mommy said...

I can't wait for you to capture her new accmplishments on video...I am waiting!!! And I am so sorry someone said soemthing negative. I just want you to know though, she is your child and you have every right to respond any way you feel. People should put theirselves in your shoes before speaking. I was just thinking yesterday about the negative comment we got once on our blog. I have come to the conclusion not everyone has a good heart. Fortunatly we have been blessed with miracle babies so we learn to appreciate things more!
Stay strong! Love you...on 10 days till someone turns 1

Sarah Freund said...

Giggles?!?!?! I'm so sad that I am missing them. She always made me so happy when she did that that she could make you cry. ...just thinking about it is getting me teary. LOVE YOU BELLA!!!

and about your negative comment, I don't know what it was, but I think we forget a lot of times that you lose intentiation and tone of voice online. I hope it was something that just came across wrong.

Much love,


Angela said...

What a great problem to have--cheeks that hurt from smiling too much! I love it!
I also love the sign language idea. We taught Hannah many signs and I KNOW it helped lower her frustration level (frustration from being unable to communicate.) She still uses signs along with her speaking.
Keep up the good work! Love you guys!
Angela & family

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

Little gigglers are the cutest!!! I am so glad that you are getting to see that so soon, especially after the last doctor's appt. Just another way to reassure you that you are NOT crazy. About the signing, have you heard of Signing Time? Kaden absolutely loves it. They have videos and books made for children to help teach sign language. I don't know if you work with infants and toddlers, or something similar...but that is where the signing time videos began with us. Not only did Kaden learn A LOT from them, but we all did as well. I am so excited to see her progress with the signs. I think it will be very beneficial for Bella and your family.

About the negative comment...I was lucky enough not to see it, however I am so sorry that you did. I can not understand what goes through people's minds and where they feel like they have any right to comment on other's decisions and choices in life, especially being in a situation similar to your family's as well as many others. I remember hearing comments (that I really did not have the need or want for that matter, to hear) when deciding on traching Kaden. I did not understand how somebody that has NO idea what my family was going through and what Kaden had been through could feel the need to give us their opinion...and at that be really negative about it. I am glad you were able to voice your opinion, but then to be able to turn around and write it off shows how truly amazing you are. You are Bella's mother, her advocate, her biggest supporter and with that Bella is one lucky little girl to have you in her life (as well as you are to have her in yours)!!! Take care and keep giggling Miss Bella.

Pam said...

Your little girl is just amazing. That's all I can say!! I love reading about her, and watching her progress.

Rhett has suffered some neurological damage from lack of O2when he was overdosed in the hospital. But the doctors keep telling me that alot of times babies regain stuff over time because their cells are constantly regenerating.

Look at Bella, she is absolute living proof of that! Rhett was walking before he was overdosed, and now he isn't, but it seems to ever so slowly be coming back.

We have an MRI/MRA/Cine MRI on friday to see how bad the damage is, although I don't imagine it being too bad....knock on wood.....

Anyways, my point is after all my babbling that Bella is an inspiration to me, and Hooray for GIGGLES!!!!!

You are in our thoughts and prayers daily!

Pam said...

Oh, and the negative comment....I have had plenty, and some of them are just horrid. People really need to get a life.

If only they knew how special our children are, then again there is a reason we have them and they don't....
