Proof that miracles happen

Friday, January 4, 2008

Cardiology report

We went to Joplin today to see our cardiologist. Well we got really good news. It doesn't look like we are going to have to have any more surgeries until toddler hood at the earliest and maybe not even then. It all depends on how her homograft does. (that is the piece they put in her heart that will need replaced several times in her life). So anyways nothing has changed with her heart. This is good news, we don't want things to get worse. Since she is growing and doing so well, she is just basically growing into her heart. She compensates for her leaky valve so much better now. In fact the Dr. today mentioned maybe being off the vent and having the trach out in the around a year. I think that is a really optimistic statement, but you know me I love optimism!!! He also wanted Matt and I to know that the vent and the feeding tube are not what is making Isabella better. She is better because the feeding tube and the vent have given her a chance to grow and get better on her own. He did not need to increase her meds and he said since she is growing and not needing to be increased, that means she is basically weaning herself off her meds. He said we would start weaning more meds once she comes off the vent. So this is all really great wonderful things. So far the new year is looking really good and promising. Miracles, Miracles, Miracles!!! We are seeing them everyday. Also I want to share one last tid bit about today. As you all know Isabella touches many lives and I think she has touched her Cardiologist. He as known Isabella since she was 2 weeks old and has seen her go through some pretty tough stuff. Well he knew she was supposed to be blind and since he has not seen her since September, he assumed she was still considered blind. So today when he came in to do her echo, he said "Hi Isabella" she then turned to him and looked at him. You should have seen his face. He said "She can see!!" And I was like YEA!! You could tell he was really excited for her. So we are released from seeing cardiology until March 11th. We also go to fit Isabella for a wheelchair that day. So exciting new changes we are seeing!!! All I can say is thank you Lord so much for what you have given me and my family. For we would have NEVER survived without you!!


adrianna york said...

I am so happy for you Isabella and I hope things are looking good for you. I hope you all had a good new year. God blessed you and your family this new year.

Love you all From Adrianna and her mommy Kim

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jesus for an awesome start for you needed it. :-) Can't wait to see you guys...we miss you tons. Give the kids kisses for us. Love you all!!

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

That is such wonderful news. It is good to know that she continues to grow and heal. Keep up all the hard guys are doing a wonderful job with her. Bella boo you are such a strong little girl!!! Take care, Amy

The Bryant Family said...

I am so glad it was a good visit and good news all around. See, it isnt your imagination, she is doing better, getting better and stronger. Moms know these things. Stay strong and keep the faith. Your in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

We are so happy and proud of you all... The Lord has plans for Bella and you and your family... We want to wish you all "Happy NEW YEAR"... Give the girls hugs.. Ray and I miss you all.. Tell Dad and Mom "Hey"... We continue to pray for you all.
God's Blessings!
Love Ray and Sharon Shoop

BeckyRN said...

This makes me so happy!!! You show them Isabella! What great news Megan, I bet you are beside yourself with happiness. God does answer prayers, and Bella is here to remind us of that everyday. Give her a big hug and kiss for me, and tell her I love her.

REJunod said...

God is so good!!! He's the Lord of the Impossible!! He's ALL that we EVER need!! Praise Him for the good news!!! I enjoy keeping up with you all, although I don't always comment much. So very glad the year is off to a good start!! God is so gracious!!!

Esther J.