Proof that miracles happen

Thursday, January 3, 2008

So Far this year is turning out well!!

On New Years eve Matt and I stayed home with the girls and watched the ball drop. As soon as the ball dropped, I felt instant relief. "Thank you God that this year is over" It was the most emotional and crazy year so I am welcoming 2008 with open arms. I pray for us to be able to move on and start living. We have not "lived" in an entire year. We have walked on pins and needles and held on by a thread. I am ready for Isabella to start her recovery and enjoy every minute of watching my daughter develop. I will wait as long as I have to but I know that Isabella will someday recover.
Yesterday we went to Kansas City for clinic. Everything looks great and they lowered her vent settings. She is now as low as she can go on pressure support. So this is really good. In fact the doctor said she would probably we off the vent sooner than we hoped. So we are reaching for a goal of one year. Then maybe another year before we get rid of the trach. So we will see!! We are now taking her off the vent more and more and hopefully in the next few months we will be off the vent for a few hours at a time.
Next we went to PT and OT. They taught Matt and I all kinds of great things to do with Isabella to help her develop. So we worked a lot today on oral stimulation and tummy time. Our goal for February is for her to be sitting with just the support of a pillow.
Tomorrow we are headed to Joplin for her cardiology appointment. I am nervous and excited. I know she has to be doing better from a cardiac stand point because she is needed less and less ventilation. So we will see what they say tomorrow.
So that is it for now. I hope everyone had a safe and happy new year.


Angel Gabi's Mommy said...

I am so glad all reports were good. Bella is progressing with leap and bounds. She is always in our prayers and we know that her special little angel, Gabi, is watching over her as well. Watch out 2008, we are out for a fresh start and ready to shine!!!

Love you and miss you tons!!!

Anonymous said...

Been watching for you to post after the check-ups. Sounds like good reports! Praise the Lord! Trust everything goes well today in Joplin.
Yes, we pray 2008 will be a blessed year for all of you!
Aunt Judy

Angela said...

It sounds like life is finally slowing down for you a little--your family is getting healthy, kids are back in school, Isabella is moving even closer to being off her vent. God is good. We love you all!
Angela & family