Proof that miracles happen

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tuesday is the day

The nurse from the surgeons office called me back later and said they were planning on surgery for Tuesday. So I go in on Monday for pre-op stuff and then I have surgery Tuesday morning. I think I get to come home later that day after surgery as long as all goes well.


Little Smiths said...

It's no biggie- I went to a christmas party the day after mine!! But ask for the po meds EARLY!! That morphine crap will make you CRAZY! Good luck!!

adrianna york said...

You are in my thoughts and prayer and I wish you all the best

from Adrianna and her mommy kim

Angela said...

We're still thinking about all of you here.

Does that mean you will spend Monday night at the hospital & maybe go home Tuesday?

Hoping you are pain free soon,