Proof that miracles happen

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mommy's Sick

Well I just spent the entire evening in the ER. Matt had to stay home to take care of Isabella so my mom took me. Well I have been having severe abdominal pain for three days. I was hoping it was nothing, but it looks like I might have to have my gallbladder out in the next few days. I go back to get another test, because the sonogram did not show any visible stones to warrant surgery tonight. But when the surgeon pushed on my right upper quadrant of my stomach, I wanted to kick him. It all adds up to gallbladder. I am in horrible pain and I can't keep hardly anything down. They sent me home with Lortab at 8:00p.m. and I have already had two. It is only taking the edge off. Please pray I can get some sleep. I feel pretty doped up now, so maybe I can sleep through the pain. Anyways I will keep you posted. Bella is great. Hope everyone liked the new photos.


Angel Gabi's Mommy said...

Megan I am so sorry you are not feeling well! Hopefully you will be taken care of very soon and you can get back to your baby girls. We will be praying for you to get some sleep and to for your pain to be gone!

Love you, miss you...I will call you this week!

adrianna york said...

I hope you get to feeling better and best of luck to you. I hope everything gose good with you and I hope you get some sleep. I like the pictures Isabella is getting so big I cant wait to see more pictures of her. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Love you all from Adrianna and her mommy Kim

The Bryant Family said...

I hope you feel better soon...

REJunod said...

I really do hope you get to feeling better soon. I just had my gallbladder out in July, and boy do I feel better!!!! I hope they get things taken care of soon!! I let it go long enough I had other problems on top of the gallbladder. Hang in there!!! I'll be praying that you have a speedy recovery!! It will be hard with the children, but God is able to do what seems to be impossible!!
P.S. Bella looks wonderful!!! God is so good!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope u r feelin better so u can get back 2 ur babies.

Luv ya ,Cassie

BeckyRN said...

Feel better Megan...and don't wear yourself out by trying to do to much. Prayers going your way.

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

Oh, poor thing. I hope you are able to get the gallblader deal taken care of fast. I will pray for you to get some peaceful rest tonight and for a speedy recovery if they do decide to remove your gallbladder. Just take care of yourself and let Matt and the rest of your family take care of the girls for you (although I know how hard it will be to resist those three angels). As always you all are in my thoughts and prayers...Amy

Angela said...

Megan Megan Megan...I'm praying for you here. I hope you never get sick of hearing that!

I'll stop by this morning & see how everyone is doing.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Megan! Praying for you!!!
Aunt Judy