Proof that miracles happen

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

No new news

Well as I said a few days ago, we are trying to get the house refinanced so we can add on. Well the bank was unable to give us a definite answer. So we are waiting. I hate waiting!! But I am trying to be patient. I just hope it works out. But I know that no matter what, it will work out in God's plan. And I know that God's plan is not always my plan. But any how if you could just pray that it goes well. Our loan officer was unable to project either way. She said we may get it and we may not. I really think this new addition will help us tremendously. Trust me we really need the extra space.
Bella continues to amaze me each and everyday. She really is just way to cute!! I am suppose to be getting my new camera by UPS tomorrow. So watch out, I am going to go a little camera happy.
Well, no matter the outcome of the house thing, we will just keep making it work like it is now; that is until we come up with plan B.
On another note, Madison and I spent the entire day aways from the house. We went to my sisters house for the day. Then mom and I spent the afternoon at the bank. I have to tell you it is hard for me to be away from the house. I want to get out so bad, but then when I am out I feel very anxious about getting back. I am just still not really comfortable about leaving Bella. It is not that I don't trust our nurses, because I do. I just worry when I am not there. And if I am out and my cell rings, my heart always drops to the bottom of my shoes. I always instantly think the worse. I don't know if that ever will go away. I am sure it will numb a little with time. I have an appointment Thursday and a lunch date on Friday and we are possibly working out a scrap booking day for Saturday. I tell you what, I scream help and you all definitely deliver. So thank you all from the bottom of my heart for helping me save my sanity!!
Well that is all for now
Love to All


Anonymous said...

I will be praying that it will all work out but then you have that MAN upstairs that has His own timing so you just never know. But you're right He will get you through no matter the outcome. I wish I could come down there for a day or too and hang out with you all....I miss you terribly. Maybe in the next few weeks I can do and the kids just hop in the van and OSWEGO here we come.:-) guys are always in my prayers and heart. Love you all!!!

Angel Gabi's Mommy said...

Sorry I have been a stranger lately! A lot has been going on in our lives and I have stayed to myself trying to sort through things.
I pray that God will take care of you and your family. I hope the loan officer calls with good news, but just know either way things will work out! You have been blessed with such an amazing fmaily and being together is all that really matters:)
I wish we were closer I'd come scoop you up and we could baby shop or get pedi's or lunch or whatever just to get you out. I am glad though that others have quickly responded to your plea for adult contact:)
We are always thinking about you guys!
Love you, miss you

Angela said...

I'm glad you're doing better! And I hope the financing goes through. I think you guys should apply to Extreme Makeover Home Edition. You'd be a shoo in, in my opinion.

As to not being comfortable leaving Isabella: I wish there was some way to explain to engaged couples (or high school couples) that almost primal need to protect our babies. People tried to tell me and I thought I knew. Turns out, I didn't know squat. No woman can understand that imaginary cord connecting mommies to babies until she has her own.

Sorry...I got off on a little tangent there.
Love you guys!

adrianna york said...

You all are in my thoughts a paryers and I really do hope that the banks help you out with the house and I feel that God will help you in all you need.
Love you all from Adrianna and her mommy Kim

The Bryant Family said...

Cant wait til you get that camera so we can see how Bella has grown...hang in there it will all work out. I will pray to the Money budda tonight...hee hee.