Proof that miracles happen

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

No news on the gallbladder yet

Well yesterday I had a hepatobiliary scan. It was a long boring test that lasted about 2 hours. They injected a dye and watched it go through my liver and gallbladder. Then they injected something else that made my gallbladder contract. That is when I became very sick. I was very flush and nauseous. I felt this severe cramping. It only lasted as long as the medicine (5 minutes or so) but it was enough to convince me that it is definitely my gallbladder. Well they won't give me official results for another day. So hopefully tomorrow I will know. I am ready for them to take this darn thing out of me. Well I am on nurse duty today for Bella. She has her days and nights mixed up again. So I suspect she will be going to sleep anytime and I then I won't get to play with her for the rest of the day. So I am going to go get some smiles out of her before she drifts off into dream land. I'll keep you posted and thanks for the prayers.


Angela said...

Hey Megan! Just checkin' in on ya. I stopped by yesterday, but you were having your tests at that time.

Hang in there!

Love ya!

adrianna york said...

Hang in there I really dont know what you are going thew but I can only imagine what it feels like I do wish you the best of luck and you are in my thoughts and paryers. I am glad that is Isabella is doing really good. I hope she gets her nights and back to the way they should be I know it will take time. I have been going thew that with Adrianna. Well good luck and I wish the best for you and your family.
From Adrianna and her mommy Kim