I couldn't just pick one of these pics to show because they are all so cute. She is doing great these days and seems to be just so happy.
Okay this is not the best smile video. I swear she must be camera shy. Everytime I get the camera near her, she clams up!! She really does get to smiling and then she looks like she starts giggling!! I just wish I could catch it on film. So anyways here are some smiles from Bella Boo. I will keep working on a giggle video.
Also I see there are lots of people from all over the United States logging on. Just curious as to who is visiting so I would love your comments.
Kinsley sure enjoyed that video...she won't stop kicking right now:)
Anyways, talk about one cute little girl. And I must comment on the punk rocker hair, she needs some leggings on with a do like that...maybe even some blue eyeshadow:)
Glad to see that pretty girl's smile, cute jacket by the way:)
Love to you all!!!
Very cute. Kaden was watching the video with me and started smiling and signing "baby." He then pointed at his trach and then pointed at Bella. She is getting so big and still keeps getting cuter (if that is even possible). Take care.
Love, Amy and Kaden
she is soo sweet!! thanks for sharing that video! iam signing in from iowa. I got connected to your blog through micah!! stop by our blog sometime!!!
Bella is getting so big! I am glad you have this blog so I can check in on her once in a while. Best wishes-
Lori (RN from CMH)
BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Keep up up the hard work guys...love you all.
Look at those smiles...and look at that hair!!! It's out of control, but she looks so stinking cute! (as always) Thanks for the video I always love seeing pics and videos of her...makes me feel like I'm there.
Isabella you are getting so big and you look so beauitful in you pictures I love the video cant wait to see more of you.
From Adrianna and her mommy Kim
Keep those pictures coming!!! She is adorable.
The hat pics are too cute! I think they're the best smile pics I've seen so far!
Matt, Nice work on the video! My 5yr old laughed and laughed at the bell too. :)
Much love to you all and I miss you!
She's got a fever,
And the only prescription...
Is more cowbell.
Aunt Stephanie
She looks great! Good pictures. I am glad she is doing so well. This is Karen from Platte City MO.
Bella looks wonderful! As someone who does not know her except for what I read here, I thought you'd like to know that I see her waking up. She looks like she has something to say. I think she would say "Thanks" to her Mommy for believing in her. :-)
I haven't woken in the middle of the night in a while, but I do keep Bella in my thoughts and prayers. What a special little girl you have!
Thank you for sharing your journey.
Hey all!
These are awesome pictures! Good grief! I'm commenter #13! I need to get here sooner!
The cowbell cracked me up! I love "Aunt Stephanie's" comment!
Love you all!
Angela & family
My name is Larry Davolt.
My wife(Kris) was Bella's nurse (Craig Home Care) for a few days in August 07.
Since then She has asked me to follow Bella's blog to check on her progress, and to see how God is answering our prayers.
Hang in there, love the blog. LD
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