Proof that miracles happen

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bella's new self

Over the last few weeks, I have begun to notice how much Bella has changed. What used to be a few smiles here and there has now turned into constant smiles, giggling and cooing. She is SO interactive. Her interactions are appropriate with what is going on around her. If you talk to her she smiles and mostly tries to "talk" back at you. She giggles and smiles every time her daddy claps his hands. She loves to be loved on and when you pick her up, she turns her body into yours in order to snuggle. I have tears as I post this, because she is doing all that many thought she never would. I can see daily changes and growths in her. She is so amazing. I think she is seeing better each day. She seems to be really focusing on my face more and watching my mouth as I talk like she is studying what I am saying. You know how babies do when they are trying to learn how to talk. I really think it is a matter of time before she says something other than ahhhh. Tomorrow we are heading to Pittsburg for physical therapy. I will let everyone know what they have to say and I will post pictures tomorrow. I am too lazy to go get my camera and upload pictures right now. Sorry!!


The Diva said...

Awww, that's wonderful! I am so happy for you guys. She's such a fighter, and she's going to continue to make sure that you know it! I can't wait for pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your post and would like to let you know that you are in my thoughts everyday.
I know you do not know me so let me introduce myself I am Nathan's big sister and Amy's sister-in-law, also that makes me Kaden and Ava's Aunt.

Amy Flege said...

That is so awesome!! She is amazing!!! And look at those new toofers!!! Mayson still only has one front top tooth! She is so jealous of Isabella!!!