Proof that miracles happen

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Please Pray

Isabella is not feeling well. She was throwing up all night. Her perfusion looks like crap right now. She is puking up yellow stomach acid. I called Dr. Gratney (her vent Dr.) She put her on pedialite for the next 3 hours. I have to call her back at 10:00 a.m. with an update. If she is not better, then we will probably have to take her to her pediatrician and then possibly fly her to CMH. She is running a low grade temp, so I know she is dehydrated a bit. I don't think it is the stomach virus. Her capillary refill is about 2 seconds right now and her legs are a little mottled. I know this probably doesn't mean a lot to some of you. It just means that her heart is not pumping the blood as strongly as it needs to. I listened to her heart, and it sounds great. Her rate is 144bpm and her respiration's are in the 40's. She seems happy. I just can't figure out what is going on with her. I am sooooo scared. I don't know what to think. I just want her to stop throwing up. The throwing up puts to much pressure on her little body and causes her to crash. So please start praying. Tell anyone and everyone you know to start praying. I will re-post after 10:00 a.m. with an update as long as I can. Of course if we end up having to leave with her, I will not be able to post.
Love to All


Angela said...

Praying here, Megan. Know you are not alone. I am only blocks away--please call if you want help, company...whatever. I have a sitter for my girls tonight, so I am even more free than usual. My number is 2275.
I love you guys!

Anonymous said...

We are praying and asking for God's help right now! (Sorry I got on line so late this morning.) I've called the Community Bible prayer band in Chetopa and also Grammie. She might not be able to do everything, but SHE CAN PRAY! And she desperately wants to pray for her family.
Love..........Aunt Judy

BeckyRN said...

I'll be praying for her, I know you are taking great care of her. I'm just confused as to why she would be throwing up, I do know there is a virus going around and she did just get immunizations, so that could be possible, poor baby, at least she isn't acting like she feels bad! Tell her Becky says to feel better. Love you guys!