Proof that miracles happen

Thursday, February 14, 2008


We have no answers at this point. Isabella made it through cath lab just fine. The aneurysm is as big as her heart. I can actually see it pulsating from her chest!!! She has increased work of breathing and increased congestion. She is on oxygen now to help keep her sats up. It seems like cardiology would like to have the surgery done as soon as possible. We are getting mixed word about if it will be tomorrow or if they will wait until Monday. There are a few concerns. She is on antibiotics, because she did have a little bug grow out from her trach cultures. So the problem is, they don't like to put kids on bypass if they are taking an antibiotic. However, if it is emergent, they will take her to the OR regardless. Second concern, this thing is huge and it is right under the sternum. So this makes it a bit tricky to open her up without rupturing the aneurysm. I just got done talking to her intensivist and she said she really thought they would go ahead and wait until Monday. She did not see any immediate danger and need to open her up right away. She said "these things just don't rupture" I guess everyone kind of knew just how big this thing was except Matt and I. So I will update just as soon as I get word on when surgery will be.
By the way, we did get her baptized this a.m. However, I still can't get the pictures off my camera. I don't know if I am going to be able to either. If not, I will just have to post them when we get home. But she looked so cute. She had on a crocheted christening gown and Tracy the chaplain brought her a bear that says prayers. She held onto this little blue rosery the entire time. It was so cute.
I will update soon!!


Anonymous said...

I found you through Gabi's blog a long time ago and I have been following your story ever since. I just wanted to let you know that Bella and the rest of your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


The Bryant Family said...

Megan, I check your site 400 times a day for updates. Thanks for updating us on Bella. You are always in my thoughts and so is Bella. I am glad you got her baptized, I am sure she looked like an angel. We will keep those prayers the truckloads.

Angel Gabi's Mommy said...

Megan, my heart is aching for you and Matt right now. I wish I had magicial words to make you feel better. The only thing I can say is you know God is on Bella's side. She has been challenged far beyond this and she fought her whole way through. Keep your faith and know that we are praying with you. And remember what I said yesterday, you can call me anytime day or night...middle of the night, I don't care I am here for you...just as you have always been there for me!
Give Bella a big hug and kiss from us! We love you all!!!

Angela said...

Megan & Matt-
I feel like a heel for not seeing all of this before now! We are praying here. I have peace and believe all will turn out well. Of course, that's easy for ME to say!

Praying for Bella's healthy heart this Valentine's Day!

Angela & gang

Just Do It Posterchild said...

Megan and Matt,I just found out today about Bella...I immediately went to prayer.  I love you guys and am thinking of you!!
Sheri and family

Anonymous said...

I'm praying! Stay strong. Again, let me know if you need anything!!! Love, Spring

BeckyRN said...

megan, i'm still saying my prayers and have many others praying for her as well. i hope you don't have to sit around all weekend, but if you do just enjoy it. i wore my miracles happen t-shirt all day today! she is proof. hugs for you and kisses for bella.

Anonymous said...

I am a friend of Amy's (Ava and Kaden's mom) and I was just writing to let you know you are all in our prayers!My little brother was born with downs syndrome and had open heart surgery and a rough couple first years of his life in and out of hospitals, he is now 13 years old and doing well! I jsut want to leave a little note to let you know you are all in our prayers and I cannot fathem what all you and many mothers are going through. I just pray daily for strength for these sweet little angels!Love always,
whitney, koltan, and treytan

adrianna york said...

I am glad that you got baptized. I am glad that you are doing good just hang in there little baby. You are in my thoughts and paryer.
With Love from Adrianna and her mommy Kim

Anonymous said...

Make sure and let me (us) know as soon as you know when the surgery is. We will be on our way as soon as we hear.



Anonymous said...

Med and Matt the kids are fine I think we will leave early Sunday morning so your dad can watch the race from the RH house. Ha Ha Give my baby a Kiss and hugs I miss you all Love your mom