Proof that miracles happen

Thursday, February 21, 2008

That's My Girl

Isabella is doing great. They did close her chest already. She does not have much swelling. Her chest tubes are already starting to decrease in drainage. She did not come back on NitricOxide or Epi. She is on minimal drips of Dopamine, Milrinone, Versed and Fentanyl. They will probably take her off the Nipride and Nitro tonight. They will probably start to wake her up tomorrow. She is waking up now, but they want her to rest tonight, so they have been giving her as needed Morphine. So in simplar terms, she is doing awesome. She is recovering well. She is sucking on an imaginary pacifier right now. She did come out of surgery with a fat lip. Not real sure where it came from. Her color looks great and she seems to be moving right along. I have taken pictures of her, but I won't put any on until tomorrow because I left my camera in my bag in the van. Also, Dr. Lofland said that her pulmonary vessels look big and great. He said they have really grown. Remember, this is what needed to happen in order for Isabella to get better. That is why they put her on Viagra. So that is another MIRACLE!!! Again thanks for all of your prayers today. The response on her blog was awesome. We are so blessed to have had so many and to have so many people who keep us in their prayers. Please continue to pray as Isabella recovers. I will keep everyone posted.
Love to All


Anonymous said...

She did look grreat guys should be so proud. Hopefully you can get some rest might be a long few days and she'll need her mama well rested and ready for some slumber parties ya know. :-) Call if you need too...I can come get the girls ANYTIME. Love you all.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jesus for keeping and protecting the entire family today...we are nothing without you!

adrianna york said...

I am so glad that she is doing great. Isabella you are in my thoughts and prayers I cant wait to see you when you get home. God blessed you. God is whichting over you and your family and I wish you all the best.
I love you both from Adrianna and her mommy Kim

Anonymous said...

Bella is a tough little cookie!!Her Dr. sounds awesome. I was watching the time on your postings and it sounds like everything went really fast. That is great!!Get lots of rest, Bella is going to be ready to play in a few days!!
God Bless You All!!

The Diva said...

That is wonderful news! I am so happy for you guys!

Angela said...

Hurrah! Deep breaths. Make sure you are taking care of Isabella's mommy & daddy, too. OK?


McDowell Family said...

We are so glad to hear the great news!!! We will continue to keep Bella in our prayers, as well as her mommy, daddy, and sisters.

Tyler Patrick Breuer said...

Our God is an AWESOME God! She pulled thru her surgery beautifully! Congratulations guys! No onto recovery... praying it is just as smooth! Love you guys!

Kathleen Breuer

Anonymous said...

It is so good to hear all the good reports, and how her vessels have grown! Thank God for His touch!

May the Lord give you all strength for each day.......

Love, Aunt Judy