Proof that miracles happen

Saturday, February 16, 2008

We have a fever

Isabella spiked a temp today. So they cultured everything. She does not seem to be sick. But this new turn of events could very well post pone surgery. I am praying and praying that it does not. If Dr. Lofland thinks it needs to be done Monday regardless, he will do it. However, if he thinks he can wait, then he will wait. We have not heard anything official, we are just speculating what could happen. I think if she does not spike anymore temps and nothing grows out in the first 24 hours, then they may go ahead and proceed. I don't want this to be put off any longer. She is so uncomfortable with her breathing. However, I am not the Dr. so I don't know what is best. I do know that I think she is running a fever from a stress response from the big bulge in her chest pushing down on everything. She is notorious for running temps when things are not just right. Also it is like 100 degrees in this room. If we try to change the thermostat, then it gets too cold. So we are either way to cold or way to hot. So hopefully this will be why she is running a temp. Another thought is that it could be an UTI. She had 14 loose stools yesterday from being on antibiotics. So with all of that poop it could very well cause an infection in her urinary tract. When they got her UA though it looked clear. It didn't seem to look like infected pee, but you can never really tell. They also did blood cultures. I don't think anything will turn up there. she does not have a PICC line or a Central line at this time, but she did go to the Cath Lab, however, I don't think she would have gotten anything in there that would cause an infection. And lastly, she had a trach culture done. Well, she is already on antibiotics for that, and her trach secretions are no longer green, they are back to white. So unless there is a bug just hiding somewhere I don't know about, then I think this is more temp control of the room and stress on her body. Anyways what I am really getting at, is just pray. Of course God has reason for everything. We just seem to keep hitting road blocks on when surgery will take place. So like I said, we are still on target for Monday morning, I am just scared they will change their minds.

Also, the surgeon came by this morning to go over things with us. He said that he is going to put her on bypass before he opens her chest. This will be the safest way just in case the aneurysm bursts. I am getting nervous about surgery, but I am not scared. I feel God's presense right here in this PICU room and I know that no matter what, he has a plan and Isabella will be okay. Ultimately, he actually loves her more than I could even think about. Which as humans, we can't even begin to understand that kind of love. So I know that God has a plan for Isabella. I just hope and pray his plan is what I would like to see happen.
In Matthew Chapter 10 29-31 it talks about how not even one sparrow will fall without his fathers consent or notice. It is says and we are more important than the sparrows, so think about that love for us. Also it states that every number on our head is numbered. So God is in control and it is his will that will be done. That is something that has been hard for me to accept. Mostly because I know that I am not in control. I am at peace with that now. Who better to be in control than our father. Because no matter where he takes us, he will always be beside us. So enough for today. I am not going to worry about tomorrow or the next day or the next. I know Isabella will eventually have her surgery and it will all be okay. Thank you to the overwhelming amount of people who are keeping us in their prayers.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Megan, you are right. God is in control. He's closer to that little doll than we can imagine. Thank God for His Presence and His Peace!
Love you!
Aunt Judy

Just Do It Posterchild said...

Praying fervantly and incessantly!!!!  Love to all.  I saw Maddie yesterday with Erin at the post office and today with your Mom at the house.  I gave her big hugs and kisses yesterday, but I wasn't able to get a hold of her today. (I was suppose to be working! ;)  )  She is such a doll and doing real good!!!  Your mom asked me to be on chicken patrol and to take care of Tigger....tell Matt I am going to bring down some of my kitty food so Tigger can get as big as Buddy!! :)Sheri

adrianna york said...

I will keep praying for you little Isabella and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Yes Megan God has his why of telling that she is going to be ok.
I just thank God everyday that you have her with you and he will take care of her.
I love you all from Adrianna and her mommy Kim

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that your family will continue to be in my prayers as Bella goes through her surgery in the morning.. May God bless your family
Dana(Micah's friend)